“Yes! Lord Demon!! ”

Chelsea quickly responded, and then discussed with Miako to let Miako perform the task, she stared at Tazmi, as soon as she entered the city, she immediately waited somewhere for Miako to complete the task and gather and then return to the stronghold together!

Subsequently, Chelsea changed into a small flying hazard in the air, staring at Brand and Tazmi from a distance until the other party entered the imperial capital!!

Zhang Tian had already arranged for someone to guard there!

The person guarding is none other than Arya and the 3rd team with her Chifa No. 2!

And Zhang Tian also arranged for the 9th to take Sha You out to hang out!

Bored Zhang Tian wanted to see the chemical reaction played by the meeting of the three parties, and water the seeds planted in Sha You’s heart before!

Chelsea stared at the other party after entering the imperial capital before leaving, and Arya and No. 2 in the shadows took over the task of continuing to track!

Until Brand and Tazmi complete the mission, and Sayo is just in place under the guidance of No. 9!

Zhang Tian saw that everyone was in place, so he ordered the two to show up and stop Brand and Tazmi!

“Brother Brand, Dark!”

Tazmi saw the two black-clad uniformed figures blocking the two in front of him, and quickly exclaimed!

Without Tazmi saying, Brand naturally understood the current situation, immediately used the armor emperor tool, and said anxiously to Tazmi:

“I’m stopping them! You run first, I’ll get out then!! ”

Tazmi has been joining the night raid for several months, naturally knowing Brand’s strength, and the invisibility haunted by evil spirits, he can only be a burden to Brand here, so he did not have the slightest hesitation, turned around and ran!

“Oh, Arya, it’s up to you to escape! I’ll leave this to me! ”

After No. 2 let out a bloodthirsty sneer, he also immediately used the amplification, covered in black leather clothes, and a pitch-black dagger appeared in his hand and rushed towards Brand!

As the No. 2 of the squad, although the strength is not as strong as the first echelon, it is also a stable S-strength, and now after the increase, it is the strength of S+, which is much stronger than the S-class Brand who is now using the evil spirit!

When Arya saw the moment No. 2 rushed out, she also turned on the increase, rushed towards Tazmi, and a scalpel appeared in her left and right hands, it was the weapon she chose for herself, and a very thin pitch-black silk thread was connected to the other end of the scalpel, obviously it can be controlled by the silk thread, trick attack!


Brand watched the two rush forward 1 in front and 1 back, and shouted!

The red spear in his hand slammed suddenly, ready to intercept both of them!

But in the end, he overestimated his own strength, and the sharp red spear head was directly grabbed by No. 2 in the palm of his hand, although the strength was great, but it only pushed No. 2 a few meters horizontally, but it was still stopped by No. 2!

Arya saw the opportunity to directly pass Brand and rushed towards Tazmi, who had not yet run far!

Brand looked anxious, but there was no way, the spear in his hand was still pinched in his hand by No. 2, pulling him!

Brand, who couldn’t care about Tazmi, had to fight with No. 2!

Although Brand at this moment is inferior to No. 2 in all aspects, with his courage and combat experience, and the spear is much longer than the dagger, he is still fighting with No. 2!


Sayo and No. 9 are on the sidelines just starting to see the present from the appearance of Arya and No. 2!

“Tazimi! Arya!! ”

Sha You didn’t expect to see two people at the same time when she went shopping, chanting their names, and her face kept changing, sometimes gentle, sometimes entangled, sometimes painful, sometimes hateful!

All kinds of emotions prove that Sha You’s heart is very uncalm at this moment!

“Go, don’t look here, look at your fellow countrymen and your enemies!”

No. 9 looked at Arya and Tazmi, who had chased away, and quickly reminded Shayo.

Only then did Shayo come to her senses and chase after Tazmi with No. 9!


“Tazmi, don’t run, remember me? I am Arya, the noble lady who saved you in the first place! ”

Arya quickly chased Tazmi while saying, the distance is constantly getting closer, but due to Arya’s own poor strength, the increase is not much, even if you chase it with all your strength, it is just getting closer!

So Arya had to interfere with Tazmi with her voice!

Tazmi heard Arya’s words, I don’t know how many times I wanted to turn my head and fight with Arya, but they all endured it, the black leather clothes and the strength of the dark girls, he now also knows very well, although he is weak, he does not want to become a burden to the night attack!

“Tazmi, remember Iyeas? Remember Shayo? They are your childhood sweethearts, and their screams were so beautiful! Hahahaha”

Arya continued to shout at Tazmi and let out an arrogant laugh!

This time, not only Tazemi in front of him clenched his fists with a twisted face, but even Shayo, who was easily hanging behind the two, gritted his teeth and clenched his fists!

“Our organization pays attention to the law of the jungle, as long as you are stronger than Arya one day, you can bully her for a day, so don’t worry about not being able to take revenge!”

No. 9 looked at Shayo, who gritted his teeth, and said softly.

“I know, sister number nine!”

With the words of the 9th, Shayo relaxed slightly, but her clenched fists did not loosen, and her hatred for Arya was obviously incomparable!

She still can’t forget Iyeas’s death, the dark and gloomy warehouse, the desperate death, the endless torture and pain, and Arya’s rampant laughter while sadizing!!

Although she has been training hard recently to avenge her in the future, now she suddenly finds that she still feels that she has not trained hard enough!

Not only is she improving, others are also improving!

“Tazmi, the rat of the night attack, even if you forget your childhood sweetheart, you should always remember that your night raid Leonai, Main, and Hill were captured by us and tortured by me, don’t you want to avenge them?? Run away from me now, how can you have the face to go back to them in the future? You know, I’m alone now, hahaha… ”

The distance was getting closer and closer, Arya’s voice seemed to keep echoing in Tazmi’s ears, making Tazmi’s anger, hatred and other emotions become heavier and heavier, and he deeply hated his weakness!

He is okay with ordinary people, but a non-armed Arya who has just joined the dark department is not confident that he can fight!

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