Sha You’s side was selling strength, and even the idea of preparing to come forward to teach Arya a lesson was temporarily put down!

And Arya also pulled the black line and pulled Tazmi step by step to the torture room of the imperial capital!


Time back to the present!

Brand returned to the stronghold and first searched for Tazmi, but after not finding it, he naturally knew the ending!

And the dark part is not what he said can be forcibly broken into, so he can only sit down helplessly, face everyone’s inquiries, and tell the past:

“Tazmi and I met the Dark Girl, a crimson-haired one, very strong! After the increase, only a dagger was used to fight with me, and even surpassed me in many aspects, there should be S+, I fought while retreating, and found an opportunity to escape stealth!

There was also an Arya on the other side, chasing Tazmi, I didn’t stop it, but I also bought some time for Tazmi’s escape, and thinking that Tazmi should be able to get rid of Arya, I didn’t deliberately chase!

Now it seems that Arya has obtained the black leather dangerous species, and her strength is already above Tazmi! ”

After listening to Brand’s words, everyone who was originally happy to complete their respective tasks felt a little heavier in their hearts!

But maybe after the previous two times, now everyone is a little used to it, after all, the previous two times, Leonay, Ma Yin, Hill, although they have all experienced torture, but they are all safe and sound, which makes everyone worry about the intensity is not very large!

“Ma Yin and I also met the first imperial envoy of the imperial capital garrison! The other party is also very strong! It’s called Cyrus, using a creature emperor tool hundred-armed giant, if there is no black leather suit this time, we may also have casualties! ”

Seeing that everyone was silent, Hill changed the subject.

“Cyrus? Imperial Capital Garrison? ”

Naje Sitan said to herself, and then discussed the matter of Qi Seleu with everyone!

When everything is discussed!

The night raiders did not have the solemn waiting all night before, but went back to their rooms to sleep!

Poor Tazmi, if he knew, what a gap in his heart!


This night!

In the torture room, Tazmi’s screams did not stop, and he finally tasted the torture suffered by Leonay, Main, and Hill!

And I don’t know if it’s because Tazmi almost killed Arya, or if Arya’s recent torture skills have improved, and the means of torturing Tazmi are much more ruthless!

Outside the torture room, Sha You did not leave, guarding outside the door all night, using the [Space Concealment] skill from time to time to look inside for a while!

She was afraid that Arya would accidentally kill Tazmi!

The next morning!

When it was all over, Tazmi’s screams also subsided!

Arya laughed maniacally and walked out of the torture room!

After taking a few steps, she was stopped by Shayo, who was facing away from her, with her arm stretched out!

Arya immediately stopped laughing, looked at Shayo’s back, and said with a sneer:

“This sister, I’m Team No. 2 of Team 9, I don’t know what happened to my sister?”

No wonder Arya is like this, in the Dark Department with No. 2 and No. 3 for so long, she has also gone to the Dark Department stronghold many times, met many Dark Department members, and also seen the daily training of Dark Department members, each of them is a powerful person!

Under the rules of Esders, the strong are very obvious, because of her poor strength and short qualifications, she is called sister when she sees anyone!

“Follow me!!”

Arya did not look back, but withdrew the arm that was blocked, said a word and walked forward!

This is too close to the torture room, teaching Arya here, there is a possibility that Tazmi will find out, so Sayo is ready to change places!

Sha You’s words, Arya naturally did not dare to refute it, and quickly followed behind Sha You, all the way to the courtyard of the dark stronghold!

Although it was early morning, many girls in the dark part had woken up and were training in the yard!

A group of girls, seeing the two people who came to the courtyard, also showed interested eyes on their faces!

After all, both of them are members of the 9 team, unlike them who came out of the training camp, they are both new faces who have only recently joined, and the girls also sense the position of other team members in their spare time, naturally knowing that there are already 4 members of the 9 team now!

No. 1 Sayo, No. 2 Arya, No. 3 Chelsea, No. 4 Miako!

These 4 people have been marked with energy by Zhang Tian on the doppelganger, and Najiehitan, Ma Yin, Hill, Leonai, although the 4 people also have Zhang Tian’s doppelganger, Zhang Tian did not give them energy markers!

When she came to the courtyard, Sha You kept a calm face, and did not greet other girls when she came like before!

Walk to the middle of the yard, Shayo stand!

Arya still didn’t know why she stood behind Sayo!


Arya looked at Shayo, who did not move after standing, and asked suspiciously!

“Huh, sister? Arya, look at who I am now!! ”

Sha You snorted coldly and slowly turned around!

“You… You.. You… You are Sayo!! You’re not dead??! ”

Sha You turned around, and Arya saw the whole picture clearly, and said in shock, her voice filled with fear and stammering!

“Oh, I’m not dead, you think it’s incredible??” Sha You said with an icy smile!


Arya half-opened her mouth, but couldn’t speak, this situation was unexpected, and Sayo also joined the Dark Organization and became a companion with her, which made her even more blindfolded!

“Under your torture, I survived by luck and was absorbed by the organization, I originally thought that I must find you to take revenge back, but I didn’t expect that you were also absorbed by the organization!!”

Sha You looked at Arya without speaking, and briefly introduced the situation!

“Shayo, I really can’t imagine that you are not dead and have joined the organization, but one thing I am confused about, it was you who had been guarding outside the door of the torture room last night, hehe, I don’t know how you feel watching Tazmi being tortured and tortured by me!”

After listening to Shayo’s words, although it was unexpected, but the fear also disappeared, her heartbeat was calm, and she didn’t stutter when she spoke, she really thought it was hell just now!

And she was still a little puzzled last night, why there were her own people guarding the outside of the torture room, and finally she made up the reason why people outside just liked to listen to screams, and now she saw that it was Sha You who suddenly realized.

“He deserves it! Actually told the location of the village, and was threatened to run for his life without heed, hmph, what about being tortured!

I wasn’t going to let you know that I’m still alive, ready to do tasks to save credit, and when the credit is satisfied, in exchange for a chance to torture you once!!

Now because of your threat to the village, I have to stand up and give you a warning, by the way, teach you a lesson first, and ask for some interest!! ”

Sha You said sharply, looking at Arya’s eyes getting colder and colder!

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