“Yes, I lost!!”

Cyrus accepted the fact of defeat in a drepent manner, and did not bother with the reason anymore, she would definitely tell her what she knew!

Now she deeply understands that last night’s words on the 1st, she is at the bottom!

“I teach you a rule, here, regardless of age, in terms of strength, although you are new, you also have to abide by the rules, your sister is a denial of my strength, so I will say that you are very arrogant!”

No. 6 said as he turned his head and walked towards the gate of the stronghold.

“6。。 Sister No. 6!! ”

Cyrus, who is 20 years old this year, looked at No. 6, who was about 5 years younger than her, and called it with difficulty!

“Well, it’s good!” Head 6 did not reply!

The women at the head of the wall also finished watching a performance and returned to the courtyard one after another.

Only No. 1 was left looking at No. 6, who was out of the limelight, and smiled helplessly!

“Cyrus, you wait for your imperial tools to recover, clean up the outside and come in, I will wait for you in the courtyard!”

Number 1 on the wall commanded Cyrus.

“Yes! Sister No. 1! ”

The first sentence of Cyrus has already been called out, and this second sentence is called out much smoother!

Moreover, Cyrus now deeply understands the strength of the members here, and he already has a heavy awe in his heart!

No. 1 heard Cyrus’s response, nodded in satisfaction, and also returned to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, Arya, who was bullied by Sha You just now, also recovered, hiding from Sha You far away, and said ruthlessly:

“Sayo, I remember you!! Do you want to do tasks to earn credit torturing me? See who earns fast! ”

“I’m waiting for you! Litter!! ”

Sha You looked at Arya coldly and said with disdain.


Arya is not talking, it is useless to say more now, and she can’t beat Shayo, it’s not good to provoke Shayo to be taught a lesson!

The Dark Stronghold, which has been quiet for a long time, staged two farces in a row today, which also made the girls in the Dark Department happy, ordering a lively chat, and the protagonists of the topic were naturally the newcomers of the 9th team!

In order to make it more lively, a dark girl walked into the hall of the stronghold and led Leah out!

That’s right, it was pulled out!

But instead of crawling, standing and walking, this is naturally required by Zhang Tian!

After all, it is a beautiful girl, if he walks on his stomach, Zhang Tian estimates that he will not mention any sexual interest himself!

After half a month of dogma, Leah also accepted her fate, obeying the orders of everyone in the dark girls extremely obediently!

The Dark Girls’ dogma to her is also very simple, there is no need to express any thoughts, just obey!

In the first few days of dogma, Leah kept exporting ideas of the people, the decaying empire, etc., as if it were the same as her father’s former minister, but it was of no use to the girl in the dark department, but in exchange for a whip!

After a long time, Leah no longer knew how to communicate with these dark girls, so she could only keep her mouth shut, stop talking, and silently carry out the order!

The other girls watched Leah being led out, most of them didn’t care, they had already passed the freshness, they just followed Zhang Tian’s dogmatic orders!

Only a few girls who still didn’t have their turn gathered around and chatted happily around Leah!

Zhang Tian himself didn’t pay attention to Leah, the time was too short, immature, and still possessed the blue-haired girl!

Half a day.

Cyrus finally cleaned up the outside, walked in, and came directly to No. 1, waiting for No. 1’s arrangement!

“You are new now, you don’t understand many rules, I’ll take you for the time being, I have already sorted out some of our dark information yesterday, you take a look first!”

Number 1 handed a manual in his hand to Cyrus.

Cyrus was naturally curious about the dark part, and quickly took the manual and read it!

The manual is simple!

The first page is a brief introduction to the loyal object Esders!

The second page is the pyramid of the dark organization, and the top layer of the pyramid is also Esders, but unlike the first page, the top floor of the pyramid has Zhang Tian’s name, which is juxtaposed with Esders!

The second level of the pyramid is the name of each captain level! The last layer is the ordinary team members!

The number of No. 1 was immediately found by Cyrus, and what made Cyrus unbelievable was that the powerful No. 1 was only the lowest member!

Cyrus took a closer look at the pyramid, there are 9 teams, the first 8 teams have captains, there are also 10 members, and the last team has only 4 people, obviously the quota is not full, and new people are recruited!

After reading the pyramid, I turned to the third page!

The third page is the strength ranking of the members of the dark department, and Cyrus only knows the No. 1 of the 2nd team, and the No. 6 of the 5th team just now, so he only looks for the ranking of 2 people!

One is the 6th and the other is the 53rd!

This shocked Cyrus even more, such a powerful No. 6, forcing her to call her sister’s No. 6, actually ranked 53rd!

This made her believe the words of last night’s No. 1, she was at the bottom!!

As for the ranking of Team No. 1 of the 2nd team, Cyrus expressed his incomprehension and quickly asked:

“Sister No. 1, shouldn’t you be ranked No. 2?”

“No, I am the No. 1 of the 2nd team, which can only mean that I am the strongest in the 2nd team, the ranking of the captain determines the number of the team, and our ranking can only determine the number behind! The No. 1 of the 3rd team is stronger than me, but the silver captain of the 3rd team is slightly weaker than the captain of my 2nd team!”

No. 1 explained in detail, there was no impatience, they trained very well patiently from the time of the training camp!

“Thank you Sister No. 1!”

Cyrus suddenly smiled sweetly with No. 1 and thanked him. After speaking, he continued to read the book in his hand!

On page 4, it is the ranking of completed tasks, and Cyrus directly found No. 1 as usual!

Team No. 1 of the 2nd team, 773 missions completed, 0 failures, 100% success rate, 0 times for SS level, 5 times for class S, 300 times for class A. Points ××. Ranked 24th!!

(Class B 1-9 points!) A level 10-99 points! S-level 100-900 points! SS level 1000-9999 points! )

After reading the task ranking of No. 1, Cyrus was stunned, such data is actually only 24th!

Quickly looked at the first one who had just ignored!

Captain Linglu, 8000+ missions completed, 0 failures, 100% success rate, 7 SS levels, 120 S-levels, 3000+ A-levels. Points ××. Ranked 1st!!

Seeing the number of tasks, and the quality Cyrus was completely stunned, what a powerful organization this was!

In the bottom of the page, the next are some rules of the organization, some basic introductions of each member, age, height, hobbies, etc.

“Sister No. 1, if the organization has my task, what level am I?”

Cyrus was still a little incredulous in his heart, so he quickly asked.

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