Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Chasing the wind is a refreshing spirit, and a contemptuous glance at Xiaoru.

What a stupid girl, this is also a question! Of course, please use the magic doctor's method!

He raised his ears and stared at Shen Ning, his heart full of curiosity.

Shen Ning chuckled softly, rubbed her hair, and pointed to a big tree next to him: "If you are sleepy, lean on that tree and sleep for a while. Maybe the sky is not bright yet, the doctor has already decided Come back to Kyoto with us to save people. "

"Ah?" Xiaoru's sleepiness disappeared, and his eyes widened incredulously.

"Miss, do you really think of a way? That's great, that's great! You tell the slave-maid, what's the method? It's set fire to the house of the healer, leaving them no place to stay, and then left with us? "

Her eyes were sparkling and her face was full of excitement. She clapped: "This fire let the slave-servant come, and the slave-servant likes to play with the fire most."


Chasing the wind couldn't help but stared at Xiaoru with a contempt.

How can someone as clever as the master use this foolish method! If you can set it on fire, do you still have to wait until now?

"You give me a good night's sleep and don't allow random ideas, this is up to me and Chasing Wind." Shen Ning snapped a slap in the back of Xiaoru's head, funny and funny.

When will this girl's head become enlightened, Bai spent so much energy to teach her, she is still a rib.

Xiaoru sat reluctantly under the tree, blinking and staring at the young lady, her stomach unconvincing.

Missy would rather chase the wind to help, rather than herself, there is nothing inferior to that thin bamboo pole!

"Chasing the wind, you are good, you take me to that branch."

Shen Ning pointed to a big tree next to the grassy house. The tree had two people together, thick and leafy, afraid that it would have been decades or even hundreds of years old.

Chasing the wind did not ask much, and said: "Yes, his subordinate offended."

He took Shen Ning's right arm, a little on his toes, and flew up lightly, paddling into the night sky, although with one person, his body was still beautiful like a big goose, and fell quietly on the branch .

The branch only sank slightly and stayed still.

Xiaoru was almost dumbfounded, her eyes blinked at Zhuifeng, her face envious.

This thin bamboo pole can actually fly! It's so beautiful!

One day he must be allowed to fly with himself.

Shen Ning's position stood just above the linen boy's bedroom, directly opposite his window.

She smiled slightly and sat down on the thick trunk, leaning her back against the trunk.

Chasing the wind didn't know what she was going to do, for she was afraid to fall under the tree without paying attention, and her eyes didn't dare to leave her half a point.

Shen Ning's eyes closed slightly, and slowly passed through the medical classics memorized in her mind.

She is now more and more fortunate that she has read a lot of medical pharmacopoeias, but she did not expect it to be of great use at this time.

"" Herb Sutra Notes "contains a total of more than 700 kinds of medicines, which are divided into seven categories: jade, plants, insects, fruits, vegetables, rice foods, and famous unused ... The general medicines for removing wind are: windproof, Qin tian , Defend yourself, live alone ... "

She raised her voice and recited it in one breath.

This time, she no longer carries the acupuncture pharmacopoeia, but a famous pharmaceutical book.

However, as usual, she only carried a small half, and it happened that when the herbal medicine was cured, she stopped abruptly.

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