Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1092: Would rather marry a sow

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"Chasing the wind, send me down."

Shen Ningxiao's eyebrows were curved.

When she heard the invitation from Mai Mai, she knew she had won.

Chasing the wind nodded, supported her arm, took her gently, and fell to the ground without making a sound.

The bamboo door that I only listened to made a "squeak" sound and opened inwards. In the room, the sackcloth boy stared at Shen Ning, staring at Shen Ning for a moment.

His face is not so pretty.

Shen Ning doesn't mind. She knows he is angry, no matter who he is, and he can't calm down if he is disturbed by this method, he will be angry.

What's more, the temper of the sackcloth boy was not good.

"Miss Shen, you are careful." Chasing the wind said lowly.

He saw that the sackcloth boy had a bad face and was vigilant in his heart. Although the other party did not understand martial arts, he instinctively realized that the grass house in which the other party lived would never be as simple as it seemed on the surface, and there was a hidden murder in it.

However, although his voice was low, the sackcloth boy heard it.

"Huh, what is she careful about? She still needs to be careful? The person who should be careful is me!" The Maiden boy snorted coldly and said angrily.

"Chasing the wind, you are waiting for me outside, don't worry, since Mr. Divine Doctor is willing to see me, he is not malicious to me."

Shen Ning smiled slightly, and stepped into the cottage.

As soon as she entered the door, the two bamboo doors slammed behind her.

The pupils chasing the wind shrank uncontrollably.

"Your surname Shen?" The young man in linen looked coldly at Shen Ning.

She smiled and nodded: "My surname is Shen, and my name is a single word."

The Maiden boy was a little surprised and said coldly: "Who asked your name, what does your name have to do with me!"

He frowned.

Why is this girl's words acting unexpectedly everywhere!

Although he started to study medicine at an early age, he was buried in medical books all day long, but he also knew that the name of the girl in this boudoir could not be told to others, especially strange men.

Generally, it is only when the husband's family asks for the name, that the girl's name is announced.

She actually told herself her name as soon as she opened her mouth. What does that mean? She ... wouldn't it be fancy yourself? Does she want to marry herself?

As soon as this idea got into his mind, he could never linger.

In an instant, all the things he couldn't understand or understand were suddenly bright.

It seems that only this reason can make sense.

Otherwise, why did she struggle with herself as soon as she entered the valley?

Otherwise, she clearly does not understand medical skills, but she remembers the medical book pharmacopoeia of a stomach?

Otherwise, why is she staying outside his window to recite the medicine at midnight?

Yes, that's it, she took a fancy to herself! She wants to marry herself!

The young man's face turned red instantly, he looked coldly at Shen Ning, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth: "The beauty you want! Don't think about it! Impossible!"

She thought she told her her name, she would marry her?

He would rather marry a sow as a wife, and he would never marry a woman who is more cunning than a fox!

Where did Shen Ning know that he would think of this in his head, he was stunned for a series of refusals.

"Mr. Divine Doctor, are you sure you reject me?"

She clearly touched him, why did she say a word, his attitude changed suddenly?

"Humph, I'm sure!" Said the young boy in a decisive manner. His expression was firm and he didn't change.

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