Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Girl Shen, what do you think I did?"

The Maiden boy was quite complacent and handed the shock absorber to Shen Ning, lifted his chin slightly, his eyes slightly complacent.

Shen Ning took a look and took a few glances. It was indeed more refined and perfect than Chasing Wind, but the best results had not yet been achieved.

Because the technique of chasing the wind is not enough, she taught Chasing the wind to make one of the simplest shock absorbers, but ... After seeing the skillful skills of this linen boy, she suddenly had a thought in her mind.

With the clever hands of a boy in linen, he told him the detailed idea and principle, maybe he would make a true leaf spring shock absorber.

"Why, do you think I did not do well enough?"

The young man in Mazai said that he was not convinced.

Shen Ning shook his head and said: "You did a very good job and it's perfect, but I still have a concept, can I add a spring here ..."

She took pen and paper, outlined the drawings, and drew a sketch.

The Maiden boy looked over at the drawing and frowned, while listening to her story, he also made some comments.

The two murmured and studied.

Xiao Ru and Chao Feng listened to the fog, only to feel that the two were talking as if they were talking about heavenly books, and they could not understand them at all.

Chasing the wind glanced at the sketch drawn by Shen Ning on the paper. One head suddenly became two large, and the sweat on the forehead came down.

He was quite complacent about the shock absorber he had made, but when he saw the boy made of linen, he was almost ashamed to find a hole in the hole.

It's really a loss of goods, and people are more dead than people.

He hadn't had time to recover from the shock, and at a glance he saw the sketch that was so complicated that he couldn't even understand it. He was really convinced.

No wonder the emperor often said that there are people outside, there are days outside!

Shen Ning discussed with the Maiden boy for a long time, and the Maiden boy frowned for a while and finally nodded.

"Your idea of ​​the double reed shock absorber is very good, I try it, it should be able to do it."

He picked up the tool again and buried himself in it.

Chasing the wind originally wanted to ask him if he would help, but when he thought of the extremely complicated drawings, he dismissed the idea.

When Mai Mai was busy with another column of incense, he made a spring shock absorber again, and then fixed it with the previous one, which became a blade double spring shock absorber.

"Shen girl, how about this?"

"Very good!" Shen Ning gave him a thumbs up.

"Very good." The Maiden boy nodded and continued to work hard.

Shen Ning does not urge him, because if he can make the ideal perfect shock absorber, what time is spent.

Both Xiaoru and Fengchao held their breath, and did not dare to let out the atmosphere, for fear of disturbing the Maiden boy.

The two of them were refreshed once again by the Maiden boy.

It turns out that this magician is not just a doctor like a god. His skillful hands are omnipotent!

Xiaoru's eyes are already bright like stars, and all eyes are full of worship.

There will be such a powerful person under the world. When she returns to Kyoto, she must tell Xiaosi, haha, after listening to it, she will be surprised that even her eyes will fall out.

As soon as she thought of the appearance of Primary Four, she burst into a smile and smiled in her heart.

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