Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1110: Bao Chengzi

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Shen Ning didn't expect that this boy in linen would notice the injury he had suffered, and also prepared ointment for himself.

"Mr. Divine Doctor, thank you. Your medicine is so good that it doesn't hurt much after it is applied." She thanked her heartily and said sincerely.

Speaking of that, she had some slight apologies for him. After all, the way she asked him to come to the hospital was not a decent, even a bit mean and shameless.

But in order to save Shaobai, she would do it without hesitation even if it was despicable.

She thought that the sackcloth boy would hate herself. Unexpectedly, he looked cold, but he was attentive, even paying attention to the small details of his injury.

He didn't want to take medicine for himself, but he still worked hard for him everywhere.

Shen Ning decided to wait for the hand injury to heal, and then wrote out several medical books in his heart without reservation and gave it to the boy in linen.

"Huh, do you think this is the ointment to cure your wounds? Think beautiful." The maiden snorted coldly, took a handkerchief, and wiped off the pale green ointment applied to the back of her hand.

Shen Ning froze.

"What kind of broken thing did you originally paint? Do you think that broken thing can heal your wound?" The magician said slightly ironically in the corner of his mouth.

She understood that the sackcloth boy was referring to the ointment she had prepared for her with Mo Chuan, and laughed: "That is the best Jinchuang ointment. Does Mr. Shenyi feel bad?"

"Huh, you really don't understand medical skills, it's just not shit! The best Jinchuang ointment? That's used to treat wounds and bleeding. Your back of the hand was injured. The injury is completely different. Can the ointment be the same? "He sneered.

Shen Ning blinked his eyes and realized: "I understand, no wonder the wounds on the back of my hand are getting worse and worse. It turned out that I rubbed the wrong medicine."

"You are not too stupid to get home, and you may wish to tell you that if you continue to apply your **** Jinchuang ointment, your back will ulcerate and pus tomorrow, and then rot into a big sore."

"Will it be so serious?" She opened her eyes wide.

"You don't think it's serious? Huh, you think the injury on your hand is hidden and others won't see it? I can smell what medicine you applied!"

The Maiden boy snorted again and opened another pill box, but this time it was a box of rouge-like ointment. He picked a large piece and applied a thick layer on the back of her hand. Then, she took another white bandage and bound her hands tightly.

"I applied green grass ointment to you before, first remove the dampness of fire in your broken ointment, this time I wiped you with peach blossom ointment, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Swelling, but during these twelve hours, you can't touch the water, let alone move, you know? "

His technique is extremely natural, and his movements are beautiful.

Shen Ning glanced at her bandaged hands like dumplings, only to feel that it was a laugh.

I just suffered a minor injury. Is it necessary to have such a big fan?

But she was deeply grateful for the kindness of the linen boy.

"I don't need you to thank me. I don't have any good intentions to heal you. I just want to make your injury better and quickly give me what I owe you."

The Maiden boy gave her a blank look, saw the gratitude in her eyes, and immediately snorted disdainfully.

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