Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1118: One for one

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Shen Ning could see that the martial arts that the girl in the Chinese costume understood, although not very good, was a practiser.

From the way she just waved the whip just now, she can draw every whip on the coachman. No matter how the coachman dodges, her whip is accurately drawn on the other party.

The leather bulging around her waist must have hidden weapons inside.

But she didn't care, there was chasing the wind, forgive the girl for not hurting herself.

At this moment, only heard a sound of horseshoes, dozens of people from the road behind, all of them were tall, dressed in a single-colored Tsing Yi. Greetings.

"Have you seen the master, is the master in trouble?"

These dozens of Tsing Yi people immediately formed an encircling circle, enclosing Shen Ning and others with a carriage.

Chasing the wind glanced at everyone, sneering slightly.

He can see that although there are a large number of opponents, but there is no martial arts master, so he does not take the opponent into consideration.

"Humph, why are you foolish!"

The girl in the Chinese costume tilted her nose, and when she saw her attendants rushing, she looked more arrogant.

"The girl asked you again, whether to sell or not to sell?"

Shen Ning smiled slightly: "Girl, my carriage is indeed not for sale, but if the girl really wants it in good faith, I can exchange it with you."

"Exchange? How do you want to exchange? You don't want money, what do you want?"

The girl in the Chinese costume frowned.

"Of course it is one thing for another." Shen Ning said with a smile: "If you want to buy my carriage, I don't have mobility tools, so if the girl likes my carriage, you can use your carriage to exchange All right."

"Change the carriage?" The girl in the Chinese costume seemed to hear the big joke and sneered: "Do you want to use your broken carriage to replace my carriage? Do you know that this girl can buy your broken carriage?" One thousand cars! "

"Really? That's just right. I didn't plan to sell it. Let's follow the wind. Let's go ahead and stop here."

Shen Ning turned to get in the car.

The girl in the Chinese costume raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Something that this girl likes must be obtained. If you are interested, you will make a price, this girl will not let you lose, otherwise, hum ..."

"How about it? You will not be able to **** it?" Xiao Ru gasped, glaring at her.

"Humph!" The girl in the Chinese dress did not look at Xiaoru, and said to Shen Ning's back: "A thousand or two silver, can you sell it?"

The coachman and the Tsing Yi attendants all took a breath of air in surprise, thinking that the master was indeed rich and wealthy, and actually it was one thousand two at the beginning. Gee, aren't these people selling it?

Anyway, Shen Ning didn't even return his head and said, "Don't say a thousand or two, ten thousand or two won't sell."

"You!" The face of the girl in the Chinese dress changed color, biting her lip, and suddenly said: "Five thousand and two! Sell it or not!"

The teeth around everyone who sucked and sucked hurt.

My dear, fifty thousand two! Are the gangsters crazy?

This is simply a big pie that fell on the head of the world. Although the carriage was good, it was worth nothing for fifty thousand two!

Shen Ning finally turned around and smiled lightly at the girl in Huafu: "Sorry, don't sell, just change!"

The girl in a Chinese dress stared at Shen Ning, gritted her teeth, and said, "Okay, just change!"

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