Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1122: Tooth with a smile

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Shen Ning smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Gu wants to accept me as a successor and give me three days to consider, but I have now considered it clearly. I am willing to follow Mr. Gu to learn medicine, but I have a condition."

"What conditions?"

Gu Qingze was slightly surprised. Since ancient times, he thought that all the masters had proposed conditions to the apprentices. Today, the girl is better, and she has come back to propose conditions.

However, Gu Qingze was not angry because of Shen Ning's performance today, which greatly satisfied him.

The girl was flexible and eccentric. Others offended her. She smiled on the surface, but she had teeth in her smile, and the other side would be bitten by her if she was not careful.

Like the fool who changed the carriage with her, she was sold by her, and she thought she had picked up a big bargain.

very good!

He or Gu Qingze would not accept the successor, since he would collect, he must collect the best in the world.

This girl named Shen is just too good for him.

He couldn't help but secretly thank him, but fortunately he was first found by her. If he was found such a good seedling first ... it would be very bad!

Therefore, he listened to Shen Ning and agreed to worship him as a teacher, but he only mentioned one condition, even if she put ten or eight conditions, he would agree without hesitation.

"Mr. Gu, my condition is that if you can save King Jing'an, I will worship you as a teacher, if you can't, then ..."

Gu Qingze couldn't help interrupting her words: "As long as he is alive when I arrive, he will never die! What time is wasted, hurry up!"

He is starting to become eager now, almost rushing to Kyoto more than Shen Ning.

Shen Ning pursed her lips, what she wanted was Gu Qingze.

As long as he can do everything he can to cure Shaobai, even if he worships him as a teacher, he will not suffer.


The gorgeous carriage with shock absorbers ran light and smooth.

Soon, their car gradually caught up with the carriage of the Chinese girl in front.

Chasing the corner of the mouth slightly, raised the whip, and shouted softly. The hooves of the four horses flew away. They easily surpassed the carriage, and the carriage of the girl in the Chinese costume pulled farther and farther.

"Huh? Isn't that the master's carriage?"

"Yeah, how can it be faster than our carriage?

"Could we be wrong?"

The Tsing Yi servants of the Chinese girls couldn't help but talk, looking at the wagon far away and whispering.

The coachman's chin was about to fall, staring blankly at the carriage ahead.

what the **** is it?

"Rifle, how did you do it! Why was someone overtaken again!"

The girl in the Chinese dress violently lifted the curtain of the car, her face angry.

When she saw the carriage in front, her eyes almost glared out.

Isn't that her own carriage? how come……

She opened her mouth incredulously until a hood of dust rising from the horseshoe flew into her throat.

"Bah ah!"

She seemed to realize that she was fooled, iron-colored and iron-blue, and said angrily: "Catch up to this girl! If you can't pass, this girl will need your head!"

"Yes, Master."

The coachman gritted his teeth, raised the whip to urge the horse, and rushed forward in desperation.

In this way, the speed is fast, the people in the carriage are all turned upside down, unable to sit.

The girl in the Chinese costume leaned on the car wall, her body wobbled, her temples were chaotic, her pretty face became pale and blue, and she almost vomited.

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