Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1126: Girl's thoughts

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"Catch the wind, hurry up."

Shen Ning originally wanted to teach the girl in the Chinese costume a lesson, and did not mean to kill him. No matter whether she was the real Zhaorong County Master, she never thought of killing her.

Now that she was scared, her lesson was enough.


Chasing the wind could not help but relieved.

Just now he was really worried that the queen's mother would let him kill the girl in the Chinese costume. In case the other party is really the leader of Zhaorong County, if he killed her, how would he explain to the emperor when he went back?

He drove up in a carriage.

The girl in the Chinese dress stared at them with their grudges, and they almost hated to bleed.

"Little bitch, country boy, you are waiting for the master of the county! Even if you go to heaven, the master of the county will find you, and you will not dispel your bones, it is hard to dispel the humiliation of the master of the county today!" The oath of stomping your teeth.

At this moment, her body suddenly shook, and the carriage suddenly collapsed like a building block.

It turned out that when the chasing the wind before leaving, it made a dark force on the car, which had already shaken the whole car loose.

The girl in the Chinese suit was caught off guard and fell to the ground with her ass, and she was buried in the face with scattered wood scraps.


"Master, are you okay?"

When her men saw it, they didn't care about the pain in the body and quickly got up and pulled the girl in the Chinese dress out of the mound.

The girl in the Chinese dress was gray-faced. She had never been so embarrassed in her life. Her eyes turned white and she fainted.

"Haha, it's so fun. Look at it, Miss, the vicious girl's carriage turned into a pile of rotten wood, ha, it's really interesting."

Xiaoru kept raising the rear curtain to look behind him. When he saw this scene, he could not help clapping and laughing.

Shen Ning's eyes swept towards the back, his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled and looked at the back of Chasing Wind.

"Chasing the wind, your kung fu is getting deeper and deeper."

She guessed that it was the hands and feet of chasing the wind, otherwise the carriage was so strong, how could it become fragments for no reason?

"Ah, Missy, you said it was chased by the wind?"

Xiaoru's eyes were shining, and he looked admiringly at Chasing Wind.

His thin and tall figure like a bamboo pole doesn't seem to be annoying anymore, especially when he saw dozens of people fighting against each other just now. Worship it.

The girl admires the hero most.

She couldn't help but get out of the carriage, sitting on her knees next to the wind chasing her knees.

"Chasing the wind, how old are you this year?"

"Why do you always have a blank face, don't you laugh?"

"Your kung fu is so good, who taught you? Can you teach me too?"

"Chasing the wind, will you accept me as an apprentice?"

Xiao Ru suddenly became interested in learning Kung Fu, and she thought that if she could have such a powerful martial art as chasing the wind, she would be able to better protect the young lady.

If someone dared to bully the young lady and provoke the young lady, she could also be like chasing the wind and beating the other party like a falling dog!

Yeah, just think about that picture, she feels great!

She tweeted like a sparrow.

The head of Chasing Wind became two big.

He tried hard to keep his face flat, not to show strange expressions on his face, and hurriedly drove the carriage, ignoring Xiaoru's words.

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