Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1177: Good dogs do not block the road

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Although Xiaoru's mind is not so flexible, she is simple and simple, and she is single-hearted, so that when she thinks about it, she is moved and warm.

Shen Ning had long loved Xiaoru as a sister, and thought that she would find a good home for Xiaoru anyway in the future, so that she would live a happy life without worry.

"Miss, shall we go back to the palace?"

Xiaoru found that Shen Ning took himself through the streets and walked to the east, and back to the palace should be west.

"Of course not to return. Let's go to Zhangtai Medical Office now. I'm going to see Shaobai's condition and my master."

Shen Ning pulled Xiaoru to speed up her steps.

When he heard that he was going to Zhangtai Medical Palace, Xiaoru's eyes lit up, and he slapped with a smile.

"Go to Zhangtai Medical Mansion, that's great!"

"Okay? What's the matter." Shen Ning looked back, and gave her a smirk glance: "You want to see Primary Four."

"Yeah, the slave-maid has so many things to say to Xiaosi. Our experience on this journey is wonderful and exciting. I believe that Xiaosi will be stunned. He used to tell me stories, and now I can finally Tell him the story. "Xiao Ru's eyes glowed with excitement, and Xiao blushed.

She is naive and simple, and she doesn't know how to cover up her feelings. She likes what she likes. What she thinks in her heart is what she says. She doesn't hide it at all.

Shen Ning sighed slightly, she really envied Xiaoru's confession and directness, she could not do it anyway.

The two came to Zhang Tai Medical Mansion. The gatekeeper saw that they were wearing **** costumes. They only said that they were the little eunuchs sent by the palace to directly pass the door.

Shen Ning came to the backyard of the backyard with Xiaorushushulu, and before she could enter the door, she saw the chasing wind flashing out of the room, blocking the doorway, and looked alert.

"Who are you? Where did you go? Why have I never seen you?"

He has been with Mochuan for ten years. He has seen almost all the people in the palace. Whether it is a guard or eunuch, old or young, he may not be able to name it, but he has every person ’s facial features. impression.

At this time, when he saw Shen Ning and Xiao Ru dressed as eunuchs, he couldn't help but stunned for a moment, only to think that the two of them looked familiar, but he was sure that there were never two such eunuchs in the palace.

Xiaoru had a flat mouth and a nose, and rolled his eyes at him fiercely, then turned his head and ignored him.

She still remembered that he ignored her last time. She swore that if she said anything to him again, she was Wang Bayang.

Chasing the wind froze for a moment, and felt that the little eunuch's expression was familiar. He took a closer look and recognized Xiaoru, and then Shen Ning.

"Subordinates visit the Queen Mother."

He hurriedly bowed down.

"You don't need to be more ritual, what about him? What about my master?"

Shen Ning said while walking towards the door.

"Jing'an King is out of danger. The ancient magician said that his life was saved, and he only needs to continue taking the medicine and rest in peace. Within ten days, it should be fine."

Chasing the wind with a beaming look behind Shen Ning, Xiao Ru was forced to step on the instep.

"Good dogs don't block the road, what are you doing blocking my way!" Xiaoru glared at him.

Chasing the wind stopped stunned, looked at Xiao Ru blankly, Xiao Ru didn't look at him anymore, followed Shen Ning and entered the door, and slammed the door closed, almost hitting Chu Feng's nose.

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