Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1182: What a joke

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Shen Ning in the room didn't pay attention to the appearance of Xiaoru, she took out the drawing of the Wulian crossbow from her arms.

"Master, I want to ask you something."

Gu Qingze saw the drawing in her hand, and her eyes lit up, and said, "What kind of medical book is this? Take me to see it."

On the way back to Beijing, Shen Ning has silently provided him with several medical books he wanted, and each of them gave him a sense of relief.

But he knew that there must be something good in Shen Ning's mind that he had never read.

He took the drawing and glanced at it. He knew that it was not the medical classic he was expecting. He was disappointed and threw it back to Shen Ning uninterested.

"What a shame!" He said angrily.

"Master, can you understand this drawing?" Shen Ning was not angry and asked with a smile.

"Are you a fool who knows nothing about being a teacher?" Gu Qingze said unpleasantly: "Isn't it just to make a weapon drawing of a five-stranded crossbow?

A light of interest flashed in Shen Ning's eyes: "Master, do you mean you will do these five crossbows?"

Gu Qingze lazily leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and said awkwardly.

Shen Ning was very strange. She heard Mo Chuan say that the five consecutive crossbows were the undisclosed secrets of the Northern Qi Kingdom, so she never thought Gu Qingze would actually make it. She knew that although Gu Qingze was proud and strange, he was One said, never lie.

He said that if he can do it, he can do it.

Knowing this earlier, you should not rush to deal with the messenger of the Northern Qi Dynasty, but you can also save a large amount of money for Xi Chu's treasury.

Gu Qingze closed his eyes and said slowly: "You want the teacher to help you make the things on this drawing. It's not impossible. You can exchange a medical classic that the teacher hasn't read. I will make a five-stripe crossbow for you, which is guaranteed to be more smart than the one on this drawing. "

Shen Ning's eyes were even brighter.

"Master is not a rare thing, I am not rare, but it is just five crossbows. It is really nothing. Master, I want a ten crossbow. If you can help me make it, I will give you three medicines. Legacy! "

"Three?" Gu Qingze opened his eyes suddenly, and stood up straight from the chair. "Are you serious?"

"It's true!" Shen Ning nodded solemnly.

"You said you want ten crossbows?" Gu Qingze looked at her thoughtfully.

"Master, can you do it?" She didn't answer the question, her eyes were bright.

Gu Qingze replied without hesitation: "I can't do it! As far as I know, no one in this world can make a ten-connected crossbow, nor can the most powerful weapon master in the Northern Qi side make an eight-connected crossbow. "

Shen Ning did not feel disappointed, and said with a smile: "Master, if I have a drawing of a ten-bolt crossbow, can you make it?"

"What? You said you have drawings of ten crossbows?"

Gu Qingze has always calmed the face of Ziruru Gujing finally with a surprised expression, and for the first time in his eyes, there was a beam of excitement.

"Hurry up and show it to the teacher!"

Others said that his medical skills are unparalleled in the world, but no one knows that his organs' hidden weapon technique is also rare, and even the most famous manufacturing masters in Bei Qi admire him.

His interest is not only in medicine, but also his research on organ manufacturing.

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