Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1216: Who's who

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Mo Chuan held her to the next hot spring clean room, which contained a spacious hot spring pool, steaming and white mist curling.

He remembers that she likes hot springs, so he specifically ordered someone to build this hot spring pool for her in Guanju Palace.

"Take a good bath, I'll wait for you outside." Mo Chuan gently placed her by the pool, and turned to exit the screen.

Shen Ning was a little surprised. He didn't expect that both of them would have been husband and wife for so long.

It seems that it is really good to find an ancient man to be a husband.

She smiled lightly and began to undress to enter the pool.

I didn't know how to take off the clothes halfway. Suddenly the waist was tight and he was hugged from behind. The familiar Qing Xuan breath came from there, and there was that gentle and wide embrace.

She couldn't help looking back, staring at him hard.

"Thanks to the fact that I just praised you honestly, I didn't expect you to say anything, just peek at me!"

Mo Chuan's lips fell on her snowy and delicate earlobes, holding her soft and slender waist, feeling the sweet fragrance of the girl, and couldn't help but feel like a horse.

"Ning'er, you will go to the ancient magician tomorrow." He said softly.

"What are you doing?" She tickled her neck.

"Let him quickly detoxify you, I can't wait."

He came out muffled with a suppressed voice.

Can see, feel, hold, but can't eat ...

He was fed up with this tortured taste!

To put it bluntly, it's blamed that Old Man Zhang's medical skills are not good enough, and even the poison in her body can't be solved. You must let him wait for a month. Isn't it to torture him!

The corner of Shen Ning's mouth couldn't help but smoked, it turned out that this was what he had in mind.

Man, did you really think about the problem with your lower body? Not even Mochuan?

But thinking about it, this is no wonder Mo Chuan.

He lived a life close to a woman's pure and unwillingness for more than 20 years, and finally looked forward to the day when the Dongfang Huadeng was born, but there was such an accident.

It's not easy to be able to endure now.

"Okay, tomorrow I will find a master to help me check the pulse." She replied softly.

Mo Chuan held her arms tight and took a deep breath before loosening her reluctantly, untiring her bun and smiling: "Well, you can wash it with peace of mind, I won't come in again to disturb you . "

After he finished speaking, he turned and strode out without even looking back.

Shen Ning looked at his back, and there was a hint of fleeing in any way, and he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

When he hugged her just now, she obviously felt his changes and the heat of his body. He wanted to come in and flirt with her, but he didn't expect that the person who had been caught in flames was himself!

Seeing him leave in a hurry, 100% went to the cold water bath to extinguish the fire.

Sure enough, when she was washed from the hot spring and returned to her room, Mo Chuan also appeared in front of her with a cold breath, and her long black hair dripped wetly.

Shen Ning smiled and took a towel to help him wipe his hair.

The fire in Mo Chuan's body has been extinguished, and his heart is filled with tenderness. He held her hand and screamed lowly: "Ninger."

"Well, I'm here, what's the matter?" She responded softly.

"Nothing, just want to call you." He whispered.

"you are silly."

Mo Chuan couldn't help but smile.

She was the first person to say that he was stupid. If anyone else dared to say so, it must be the head.

But she spoke softly in her mouth, but with a sweet and lingering meaning.

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