Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1219: Bald-tailed pheasant

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The girl had to be brave and use her tongs to pour down the hair of Zhaorong County Lord.

After a while, everyone smelled a burning smell in their noses, as if something burned.

The Lord Zhaorong frowned and said displeasurely: "Where does the smell come from?"

Suddenly, a maid pointed at Zhaorong County Master's hair and exclaimed.

"Not good! Not good! The head lady's hair is on fire!"

Hearing the words, the leader of Zhaorong County and the maid with tongs were all startled.

It turned out that the tongs were too hot and actually burned the hair of Zhaorong County Lord.

The maids saw a bonfire burning straight up from the end of the hair and shouted in unison.

The leader of Zhaorong County only felt a hot flame around his neck, and his heart was furious. He raised his palm and slammed the hooves with tongs.

Her palm exerted enough effort, only to hear a "click", the rib of the chest cracked, the body flew backwards, spit blood, fell to the ground, motionless, life and death unknown.

The servants also did not care to see the life and death of the servant, and were all anxious to help the Lord Zhaorong extinguish the fire.

Some people fanned, some people covered with clothes, which made the Zhaorong County Master uncomfortable, but the flames grew bigger and bigger, spreading all the way up, and the scorching smell was getting heavier and heavier.

Finally, a maid clever, rushed out to take a pot of water, and threw her head towards the head of Zhaorong County.

The flame finally went out.

But the proud hair of Zhaorong County Lord was burned in all directions. It was originally like a black satin, but now the satin has turned into a rag.

The air was full of burnt smell.

The leader of Zhaorong County's hair was dripping wet, and his body was full of scorched hair.

Her eyes widened wide, staring at the polished smooth bronze mirror, and she could hardly believe that the man in the mirror who looked like a bald-tailed pheasant was herself.

"Ah!" She let out a scream of anger and anger, grabbed the mirror and smashed it to the ground.

"This ugly monster is not me! It's not me! I'm like this, how can I still have a face to see the emperor's cousin! He will despise my face, my hair! Ah! I have no face to see my cousin!"

The lord of Zhaorong shouted and collapsed, grabbing the things in the room and smashing, grabbing the people and hitting.

All the maids were so scared that they knelt, and let her scold, and no one dared to dodge.

"Sovereign, who made you unhappy?"

Just as the leader of Zhaorong County was furious, a low, sweet man's voice suddenly rang from the door of the room.

Upon hearing this sound, the main leader of Zhaorong County, who was desperately smashing things, seemed to be stunned.

She was holding a vase in her hand and slowly turned around to look at the door of the room.

All the servants also sneaked into the eyes of the master of Zhaorong County, because the man's voice was so nice and touching.

A fiery red figure caught everyone's eyes.

The robe on his body was hunted and flew in the air by the wind, like a burning flame, with a charming smile on his face, beautiful facial features, like a legendary blood elf, but a piece of eyes Ice cold.

The servants touched his eyes, and all of them burst out of their hearts, their bodies trembling slightly, they lowered their heads involuntarily, and dared not look into his eyes again.

The man was filled with an indescribable dangerous smell. When he first appeared, the temperature in the room seemed to be a little lower.

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