Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1236: Strange little four

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What makes Shen Ning feel strange is that there is no bodyguard around the Imperial Academy, except for Primary Four.

How is this going?

Feeling sullen in her heart, she walked to the side of Xiao Si and called out, "Primary 4, is the emperor inside?"

Xiao Si didn't know what he was thinking, and even Shen Ning walked to him without realizing it. Until he heard this, he suddenly raised his head and saw Shen Ning.

"Emperor ... Queen Mother!"

The expression on his face suddenly changed, as if the mouse had seen the cat, he jumped up from the steps, turned and ran to the Imperial Study.

"Primary four, stand still! Am I a tiger, will you run when you see me?"

Shen Ning doubted and drank him.

Xiao Si groaned secretly in her heart, but she dared not to listen to her, so she stopped and turned back to salute Shen Ning.

"The minion met the queen lady!" He said loudly.

Shen Ning was even more skeptical. Xiaosi raised his voice for no reason, clearly speaking to the people in Yushufang.

He is reporting!

In this way, Mo Chuan of Yushu must have kept Xiao Si out of the door and looked at the wind. What is he doing inside that must be so mysterious that he has to hide it even when he comes?

However, Shen Ning did not pierce Primary Four, but just said lightly: "Primary Four, what are you running, is the emperor in the Imperial Study?"

Xiao Si nodded his head and said: "Yes, the emperor is inside, the slave wants to report to the queen's mother, please wait for the queen's mother to wait, and the slave will notify immediately."

He turned and hurried away, and Shen Ning interrupted him again.

"No need to report."

Shen Ning straightened past Primary Four and walked towards Yushufang. He reached out and pushed the door lightly, but did not push it. The door was actually latched from the inside.

Gee, I really guessed it right, there are really strange things inside.

Xiao Si's face was even more frightened. He desperately tried to catch his eyes and chased his lips, meaning he wanted to find a way to take Shen Ning away.

Chasing the wind looked at Xiaosi ignorantly.

"Primary 4, why did your mouth skew? Also, why did you blink at me, you ... blew the wind? The next time you go to Zhang Tai Medical House to find an ancient magic doctor to help you see, as long as the ancient magic doctor can shoot Can cure your conspiracy. "He said very sincerely.

"Are you **** stupid chasing the wind!"

Xiao Si didn't come up in a single breath, almost chasing the wind to choke.

Chasing Feng's face suddenly sank: "Primary 4, I'm talking to you well, why do you scold me?"

"What's wrong with me, I still beat you! Beat you stupid guy!"

Xiaosi raised his hand and slapped it in the face of chasing the wind.

Behind Chasing the Wind, how could Primary Four hit him?

He flashed lightly, and avoided the palm of Xiaosi, and pushed it smoothly on Xiaosi's shoulder. Xiaosi got a foothold and fell into the mouth to nibble.

"Good boy, you **** damn!"

Primary Four's jaw hit him with pain, anger and annoyance. He jumped from the ground and clenched his fists in both hands, launching an offensive toward the wind like a torrential rain.

Chasing the wind, the figure flickered, bursting out the punch of Primary Four, and asked with a concerned expression: "Primary Four, I did n’t push you on purpose just now, did you just hurt it?"

"It hurts, it hurts! What's the use of your apology now, why don't you want to apologize to me when you push me!" Xiao Si exclaimed angrily, making the move more and more fierce.

The two people wandered around in the yard like wearing flowers and butterflies, scolding while playing.

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