Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Who else?"

"Zhaorong County Lord!" Xiao Si lowered his voice.

"What? Lord Zhao Rong is inside ... and the emperor ..."

Hearing the words, Chasing the Wind opened his mouth in surprise, his face unbelievable.

"Of course!" Xiao Si gave him a hard look. "It's not two people now, but three people. The queen's mother and daughter also went in. Alas, what do you do with this?"

Shen Ning entered the Yushu study, shut the small fourth outside the door, turned around, and glanced around the room, but no one was there.

There was no Mo Chuan on the dragon chair behind the imperial court filled with plaits.

She called out in a loud voice: "Mochuan!"

No one responded to her.

Shen Ning thought for a while and walked to the quiet room behind the Imperial Study.

There is a soft couch in the quiet room. Sometimes Mochuan will take a nap on the couch when he is tired.

Maybe Mochuan fell asleep? Primary 4 is afraid of interrupting Mochuan to rest, so he stops himself outside the door?

She was secretly funny for her suspiciousness.

Slowing her steps, she came to the door of the quiet room and saw that the two doors were concealed, and there was still no sound inside.

Mochuan must have fallen asleep, so he didn't even hear the footsteps of his arrival, and he must have slept soundly. Otherwise, with his skill, he would wake up immediately after a slight change.

Shen Ning hesitated, not knowing whether to go in and disturb him.

It was here that she suddenly heard a woman murmur from inside, the voice was sweet and greasy, as if it was about to melt away.

"Cousin ..."

As soon as this sound came into the ear, Shen Ning's body was shocked.

Lord Zhao Rong!

Why is she here?

Well, there seems to be nothing wrong with her here. She is the master of Zhaorong County, and she is cousin with Mochuan.

Shen Ningxiu raised her eyebrows, reached for the door, and was shocked by the scene in the room.

As she expected, Mo Chuan's eyes were closed and Masako sleeping on the soft couch.

But there was another girl beside him, with disheveled clothes, slightly fragrant shoulders, and white skin like a frost.

She was lying in front of Mo Chuan's chest, one hand wrapped around Mo Chuan's neck, closed her eyes, the two's posture was very intimate.

Although she saw only half of the girl's face, Shen Ning recognized it immediately. This girl was the leader of Zhaorong County!

But she could see at a glance that Mochuan was really sleeping, and the Lord Zhaorong was pretending to be sleeping, her two rows of eyelashes were shaking unconsciously, and she seemed to be peeking through the slits of her eyes.

"Oh, the little worm."

Shen Ning had a funny smile in his stomach, but his face was frosty, with a chill on his face, and suddenly turned away without a word.

Lord Zhaorong couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked at Shen Ning's back.

"Huh, is this mad?" She couldn't help but smile after the trick.

It's just that the smile didn't stay on her face long before it disappeared.

She heard Shen Ning's footsteps and came back. She closed her eyes, leaned against Mo Chuan's chest, and continued to pretend to sleep.

Huh, she didn't believe that the queen of vixen would see this scene, and she wouldn't be spitting blood!

It's better for her to make a big noise and wake up her cousin, let her cousin see the dignified and elegant woman in his mind and go crazy like a shrew, so that she will feel more and more pitiful.

The leader of Zhaorong County was doing a wishful calculation. Suddenly, a pot of cold water poured down on her head, and she was drowned.

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