Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1242: Another good show

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"Cousin, you wake up, cousin, you wake up!" The master of Zhaorong County turned his back to the crowd and shook Mochuan's shoulder. The voice was sweet and greasy, and he heard the chasing wind and the chicken skin of Xiaosi. pimple.

The Lord Zhaorong blocked the sight of others and secretly reached out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve and shook his nose against Mo Chuan.

Mo Chuan sneezed a few times and slowly opened his eyes.

His consciousness was still a little fascinating, and suddenly a warm and soft body plunged into his arms and wrapped around his neck.

"Cousin, you finally woke up."

Mo Chuan froze, and suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that the girl in her arms was the master of Zhaorong County, and at the moment she unceremoniously reached out and pushed her away.

"Zhao Rong, what did you put in the tea!" He took a deep breath, and his inner breath swam away in his body, and his already groggy mind became clear.

He immediately recalled the scene before he fell asleep, and the Lord Zhaorong was not invited to come, and in the name of reminisce, he apologized to him for paying courtesy to yesterday's affairs.

As the saying goes, people who reach out without making faces laugh, the lord of Zhaorong County softly apologizes softly, and mentions the old feelings of the year, Mo Chuan naturally can not hold his face to reprimand her.

Later, the master of Zhaorong County poured two cups of tea, and handed him one cup, saying that he was going to use tea to replace the wine, and indemnify him.

He did not expect that the master of Zhaorong County, who he regarded as a little sister, would play tricks in the tea. After drinking the cup of tea, he immediately realized that something was wrong and wanted to use his internal strength to force the medicine out of the tea, but he did not have time. He fell to the soft couch and fell asleep.

"Zhaorong! How dare you dare to administer medicine to me!" Mo Chuan remembered the scene, anger from the heart, his right hand stretched out, firmly holding the wrist of the county chief Zhaorong, sternly asked.

"Cousin, you hurt Rong'er. What do you say about medicine? Rong'er doesn't know anything." The leader of Zhaorong County only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, tears came out of his eyes, and his expression was even more pitiful.


Mo Chuan's voice came to an abrupt halt, his eyes fell on Shen Ning's face, and his angry face couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Ning'er, why are you here?"

Shen Ning hugged the wooden box and looked at him with clear black and white eyes. He said, "I came here to give you a big gift, but I didn't expect to see a wonderful show. "She finished and blinked at Mo Chuan.

"What a play?" Mo Chuan couldn't help but frowned.

"Of course it's a good show played by the lord of the county!" Shen Ning looked up and said coldly: "When I opened the door, I just saw you lying on the couch, but you are not alone. There is also a charming Dior Zhaorong County Lord next to you, Emperor, please explain to me, what is going on with you and Zhaorong County Lord? "

"What!" Mo Chuan's forehead jumped, his eyes swept, and he saw the appearance of the main shirt of Zhaorong County, and his head suddenly buzzed, and his back was covered with cold sweat.

Suddenly he stood up from the couch and found that he was wearing his clothes well, and he couldn't help being relieved.

It was only that he found a large wet chest, and the bright yellow robe was dyed red, and he was puzzled.

When I looked at Lord Zhaorong, she found that she looked more embarrassed than herself, and her hair was all wet.

"I poured the chilli water on you and the governor girl. The emperor and the palace are guilty. Ask the emperor to cure the crime."

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