Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1254: Play by question

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It seems that Empress Zhou has moved this time. If she and Mo Chuan did not arrive in time, now Empress Zhou and Su Jin are afraid ...

"Mochuan!" She reminded softly that her eyes fell on Queen Zhou's left hand, and she held the same porcelain bottle as Su Jin in her hand.

Mo Chuan's eyes narrowed and he saw the bottle. He walked over to the Empress Zhou without a word.

"Mom, please give your child the hand."

Empress Zhou stood still and looked at Mo Chuan coldly, just like a stranger.

Her eyes were as painful as Mo Chuan's heart. He never saw Empress Zhou looking at herself with such cold and strange eyes.

There is an incense burner next to Empress Zhou, with a stick of incense burning inside, which is about to burn to the end.

This incense stick is like the mood of Empress Zhou.

"Queen Mother!" Mo Chuan shouted again, his voice trembling slightly.

Empress Zhou looked at him coldly for a while, and finally spoke slowly: "Very well, you still know that the mother called Aijia!"

Mo Chuan lowered his eyes and said, "The mother will always be the mother of the son."

"Really? So, do you still listen to what the family said?"

Mo Chuan seemed to know what Empress Zhou was going to say. His lips moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Empress Zhou held the porcelain bottle in her hand and said in a cold voice: "If it is not for the Aijia to take poison and commit suicide, I am afraid that the emperor will never appear in the Ao's Shoukang Palace?"

"Where did the mother-in-law speak, the son-in-law and the queen have been prepared for a long time, and please come to say hello to the mother."

Mo Chuan replied respectfully.

"Is it?" Empress Zhou's eyes kept staring at Mo Chuan, not even glancing at Shen Ning.

Shen Ning only needs to see the expression of Empress Zhou, she knows her strong hostility towards herself.

This is the first time she has formally appeared in front of Empress Zhou after becoming married to Mochuan.

She stepped forward slowly and walked to Queen Zhou to bow down.

"Sister-in-law and daughter-in-law visit her mother."

She is very respectful of manners, from posture to movement are very standard, dignified and glorious, even the most discerning Shang Lima can not pick out a little mistake.

Empress Zhou snorted into her nostrils and finally slowly set her eyes on her.

"Queen, are you in good health? Dressed in such a flamboyant manner, are you going to a feast, or celebrating!" The irony in her tone could not be more intense.

As soon as she saw Shen Ning, she didn't get angry, but felt that everything was not pleasing to her.

Shen Ning bowed her head slightly, with a respectful expression, but her tone was neither humble nor overbearing: "The courtesan and daughter-in-law are coming to Shoukang Palace to see her mother. The courtesy of the queen, if she is dressed normally, will make others say that her daughter-in-law is disrespectful to her mother, leaving her criticized. "


Empress Zhou choked on her suddenly.

Originally, she wanted to use the question to play, but she was blocked by Shen Ning in a single sentence, and the words were decent and generous, and the water did not leak, so that she could not catch the slightest mistake.

The embarrassed look on her face flashed instantly, and her cold and proud face was immediately restored.

"The queen is really such a big shelf, just sitting on the throne of the queen, she began to put up the majesty of the queen's lady to teach people." She said with a certain amount of meaning.

Shen Ningming knew that she was referring to the Lord of Zhaorong, but pretended not to know, and continued to kneel on the ground. He replied obediently: "Sister-in-law does not understand what the mother said."

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