Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1264: General knowledge

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The leader of Zhaorong County's cries immediately became smaller, raising his eyes from the arms of the two grandmothers, carefully watching Shen Ning.

Empress Zhou said dubiously: "Queen, are you sincere in saying this?"

"The daughter-in-law is absolutely sincere. The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law are also women. They know how important a woman's innocence is. If you lose her innocence and the man who took her innocence refuses to take responsibility for her, such a man should be Thunder struck by the sky, rejected by thousands of people! "

Mo Chuan's face could not help being dark, staring at Shen Ning angrily and angrily.

He wondered if she had just vowed to believe in herself just now, how could she stand in line with others in the blink of an eye?

Empress Zhou had a bright expression on her face, and originally Shen Ning was awkward. At this time, she felt that her words were very pleasant, and her tight face suddenly softened.

"The emperor is a person who knows the whole body. Since you also agree to let the emperor marry Zhao Rong, then you should persuade the emperor not to be a fortunate person."

Shen Ning nodded and said: "Sister-in-law will certainly persuade the emperor, but the daughter-in-law has a few words to ask these two grandmaes who are examining the hostess, after all, things are related to the innocent reputation and lifetime of the hostess For happiness, it is better to ask clearly and carefully. "

Meng Jiang ’s two mothers could n’t help but their hearts tightened, and Zhaorong County Lord lowered his eyes and continued to cry, secretly twisting the hands of the two mothers, but no one found.

Empress Zhou agreed with Shen Ning, saying: "Queen's words also make sense. Just ask if you have anything."

Shen Ning walked forward slowly to the side of Zhaorong County Master, and said softly: "The Queen Mother, this matter has the Queen Mother, you do n’t have to be so sad, if the emperor dares to sorry Do n’t say the empress dowager does not agree, this palace will definitely not agree! "

The leader of Zhaorong County thought: Will you be so good? It is clear that I want to be a good person in front of my wife, who knows what the **** you are doing in your stomach.

Her nostrils were tilted and she almost wanted to yell.

But in front of Empress Zhou, she still had to continue to pretend to be grieved and sad, sobbing over her face, as if she didn't hear Shen Ning's words.

However, Shen Ning was too lazy to continue to take care of her. Her goal was not the master of Zhaorong at all.

"Mother Jiang and Ms. Meng, we have had a relationship before. The two mothers don't come unharmed. They are still as healthy as ever, and they seem to be more utterly spirited."

She greeted the two grandmas with a smile.

Now her identity is different from what she used to be. Now she is the head of the Sixth House. The queen and the queen above one person are no longer the unloved princess in Dingyuan's palace.

Grandma Meng and Grandma Jiang changed their pride in front of her that day and hurriedly got up to salute her.

"The slaves meet the empress queen."

"The two grandmothers don't need extra courtesy. The palace knows that you are the old grandmother in the palace. Even the empress dowager trusts you, but the palace still wants to ask more carefully. The two grandmothers have just been masters. Has the lady tested herself? "

Shen Ning's attitude was kind and did not show any dissatisfaction with the two of them at all, so that the two grandma's hearts were at ease.

They remembered that when Dingyuan Wangfu was there, they took the advantage of the concubine on that side and wanted to secretly start with Shen Ning, but Shen Ning saw through the tricks.

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