Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1267: Step by step

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"The Queen Mother and the Queen Mother questioned Rong'er's innocence so that Rong'er still has a face to meet with others? You have to decide for Rong'er!"

Zhaorong County Lord suddenly cried and knelt to the side of Empress Zhou, fell to her feet, and mourned loudly.

Empress Zhou patted her back and glared at Shen Ning.

"This matter ends here, no one can say a word, come, and send two grandmaes out of the palace immediately!"

She obviously didn't want to make things worse, after all, this matter was about the reputation of Lord Zhaorong.

Grandma Meng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and lifted her heart in her throat.

Shen Ning stepped forward, blocking Ms. Meng, and said coldly, "Mother, Meng, have you still refused to tell the truth?"

"Queen!" Empress Zhou scolded angrily.

"Motherhood, things are about to come to light, don't you want to know the real situation? Don't you want to know who is the person who really ruined the innocence of the lordess? No one else, this is Ms. Meng!"

She suddenly reached out and pulled Ms. Meng's right hand out of her sleeve and raised it high.

"Mother, please see, it is these **** of Ms. Meng that ruined the innocent body of the hostess. The blood on it is clear evidence!" She threw a loud voice.

Grandma Meng was caught off guard and was completely stunned by Shen Ning's move. When she reacted and saw that everyone's eyes were all focused on her right hand, she panicked and wanted to take her hand back.

But Shen Ning firmly held her wrist, she couldn't move at all.

Everyone saw it clearly. Meng Meng's **** were indeed stained with blood, especially the blood stains in her nails were deeper.

"The Queen Mother, there is really blood!" Su Jin couldn't help but whisper.

Zhou Tai sank behind the water.

She has been in the palace for decades. What kind of storms and incidents have not been experienced. It is already a common occurrence in the palace for this kind of thing that the grandmother secretly tricks ghosts.

But she never imagined how bold this Meng Ma's mother was, she dared to do such a thing to the master of Zhaorong County.

"Emperor Meng, did you really do it?"

Queen Mother Zhou looked at Meng Meng coldly, and the cold light in her eyes was like substance, making Ms. Meng only feel like falling into an ice cave.

"No no no ... not a slave-servant, not a slave-servant." She panicked, but just shook her head to deny it.

"Then where did the blood on your finger come from?" Empress Zhou said coldly.

"This ... this ..." Ms. Meng turned her eyes round and replied, "It's the county hostess who was injured when she broke her body. The slave girl helped the county host to accidentally get it on."

When Empress Zhou heard it, she took her helpless, because she said it perfectly.

To know that women are innocent, it is most difficult to explain clearly, and there is never evidence.

Shen Ning said with a sneer: "According to Meng Ma's meaning, when the county master broke down, he was not in the room just now, but in the Imperial Study Room. Since Meng Ma's hand was stained with blood, it must be the hostess There must have been a lot of blood when I was on the body, and the blood must have flowed on the mattress. Very good. This palace can immediately send someone to take the mattress of the Imperial Study to see if there is blood on it. Now let ’s try See if there are any blood stains on the mattresses that the two grandmothers checked for the county master just now. The truth can be revealed immediately! "

Wen Yan said, Ms. Meng suddenly looked like a deflated ball, and the whole person was paralyzed.

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