Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1290: The first test article

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"This kind of centipede is called the red dragon centipede. Its toxicity is ten times greater than the average poison centipede. Mochuan, do you know where the poison of this centipede is?"

Shen Ning took out the red dragon centipede, placed it on the table, raised his eyes and asked Mo Chuan with a smile.

Where Mochuan knew, he didn't want to know at all.

Although he is not afraid of centipedes, he sees the numbness in his heart when he sees that the curved body of the centipede is quite similar to the snake.

Why is this girl so brave, holding such a toxic substance, her face does not change color, and she is smiling, as if she is holding something rare.

However, perhaps these poisonous snakes and centipedes are rare treasures in her eyes.

Because when she saw these poisonous snakes, her eyes would sparkle, which was more exciting than seeing jewelry and rouge pollen.

Fortunately, Shen Ning didn't need him to answer. She took out a small knife and cut off a pair of forefoot of the red-headed centipede, which was very skillful.

"Many people mention the centipede and change its color, thinking that the centipede is poisonous. In fact, this is a wrong perception. The poison of the centipede is mainly concentrated on its head, to be precise, on its pair of forefoot, The centipede with its head cut off is not only poisonless, but its body is a delicious dish. Mochuan, have you ever eaten fried centipede meat? "

Shen Ning explained to Mochuan in great detail while dealing with the poison sac on the forefoot of the centipede.

Mo Chuan's complexion changed, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

"Don't eat it."

He bluntly stared at the big red and black centipede, thinking he was dead, and he would not eat this ugly and disgusting poison centipede.

Shen Ning squeezed the venom from the poison sac into a small crystal bowl. He heard Mo Chuan's voice different. Looking up at him, he stared at the centipede in disgust and couldn't help smiling.

After finishing the poison sac, she walked over to cut off the head of the centipede with a knife and gently peeled off the shell to reveal the white and transparent flesh.

"If this centipede meat is fried, and then seasoned to eat, it is really unparalleled delicious. The greater the toxicity of the centipede, the more delicious the meat is. Unfortunately, this kind of red dragon centipede is extremely rare, otherwise Dozens of them are fried for you, and you can't stop eating. "

She set aside the centipede with regret, then sighed.

Although the centipede meat looks as white as shrimp, it is very beautiful, but Mo Chuan still has a hairy heart.

He has no interest in eating centipedes.

"Ning'er, is this grass poisonous?" Mo Chuan turned his attention away from the centipede and landed on her busy hands.

At this time, she was holding a hay in her hands, which was being ground into a stone mill.

"This kind of grass is called Feiyancao, and it is non-toxic in itself, but all things are interlinked and mutually compatible. After the non-toxic Feiyancao encounters the venom of the red dragon centipede, a wonderful effect will occur."

Shen Ning smiled and explained that some of this knowledge was in her memory palace, and some was just taught to her by Gu Qingze.

For example, the formula of this medicine she is making now has a magic effect that she has never heard of.

"Oh, what will happen?" Mo Chuan's eyes produced a strong interest.

Looking at Mo Chuan like a curious baby, Shen Ning raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"After I make it later, let you make the first test, OK?"

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