Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"What do I ask you, you answer honestly. If you tell a lie, guess what will happen to me?"

The red man's eyes glanced at Xiaoru's body with bad intentions.

He found that although the little girl had a naughty look, her figure was very good, she should be fat, she should be thin.

Although Xiaoru didn't understand men and women at all, when he saw his eyes falling on himself, he couldn't help but get a layer of goose bumps, it felt like he was stared at by something dirty.

"You ... you ask." She said tremblingly.

"That's how good I am, I ask you, what does your young lady like most? Where does she like to go? What do she like? Such as eating, drinking, playing and having fun? What does she hate the most? People, what? "

Xiao Ru was dumbfounded, then rounded his eyes and looked at him cautiously: "What are you asking about these? What do you want to know about my lady's affairs?"

The red man smiled and said, "Of course, I am going to give your lady a gift. Since it is a gift, you have to give it what you want. Give her what your lady likes! What if the gift you gave made her unhappy. , Then did I give this gift in vain? "

"You ... that's all you want to ask?" Xiao Ru stared at him stunned, his face all unbelievable.

"Yes, are these questions very simple? You have served your lady for so many years and you know her preferences best. As long as you answer my questions honestly, I will let you go."

"Do you really let me go?" Xiaoru's eyes lit up.

"Of course." The red man nodded with a smile.

Xiaoru lowered his head and thought.

The man in red said slowly: "The son's patience is not very good. If I count to three, and you haven't spoken, then the son will be welcome to you."

His hand once again grabbed one of her belts.

Xiao Ru suddenly raised his head, and Xiao Xiao's face was firm.

"I do not know!"

The man in red was surprised, and he said stupidly: "If you don't say it, I'll take off your clothes!"

Xiaoru raised his chin: "Whatever you want to do to me, but you never want to get a word about my young lady from my mouth! Huh, do you think I'm stupid? You clearly do not have good intentions, want to harm I ’m not telling you, my lady! You can ask me anything, I can say anything, but I do n’t know anything about my lady! "

She remembers Shen Ning telling her the story of the old gentleman and the wolf. The man in red is a white-eyed wolf!

The man in red was slightly surprised, a flash of haze flashed in his eyes, and he said with a cold face: "Are you really not talking?"

His face was murderous.

Despite being scared, Xiaoru encouraged the courage and shouted, "Miss told me that it is impossible to prevent wolves from eating sheep in this world. Sometimes wolves are dressed in sheepskins and act as sheep, but he The purpose of this is to confuse the sheep. When the sheep relaxes their vigilance, he will eat the sheep in one bite. Do n’t try to lie to me. I do n’t believe a word of what you say! Even if I tell all my lady You, you will not let me go, not to mention, even if you kill me, I will never betray Missy! "

She was completely out of her heart.

The young man in red didn't expect his mind to be broken by this stupid girl like a pig, and suddenly became angry and angry.

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