Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1305: Meet the challenge

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Mo Chuan remembered the embarrassed face of Empress Zhou, and a flash of alertness flashed in her heart.

Although he could not guess the thoughts of Empress Zhou, his intuition told him that the situation was not good!

"You can rest assured that if the empress dowager wants to make things difficult for me, that's nothing. She's an elder, your mother. No matter what she says, I will bear it, and won't embarrass her old man." Shen Ningxiao Slightly authentic.

"You know that the person I'm worried about is you. Zhao Rong has a mother to support her, and I'm afraid she will hurt you!" Mo Chuan glared at her.

"Then you don't have to worry about it anymore. The queen mother is my elder. I respect her, but Zhao Rong? If she dares to come to provoke me again, do you think I am the kind of poor worm that can bear the nerve and bully others? What? "She smiled again.

"Ninger ..." Mo Chuan frowned, and wanted to say more, but Shen Ning interrupted him.

"Mo Chuan, didn't you let Chasing Wind follow Zhaojun County Master? Is there any news?"

"No, the news came back from the chasing wind that Zhao Rong never returned after he returned to the Ningguo Mansion." Mo Chuan mentioned this and felt inexplicable anger in his heart.

He knew that the real behind-the-scenes instruction was Zhao Rong, but he was helpless to her because he had no evidence.

If he tells the empress dowager Zhou this matter, he will be scolded by the empress dowager, but if Ning Guogong knows it, he might even cause unnecessary trouble.

"did not go out?"

A move in Shen Ning's heart suddenly said: "Mochuan, you said it is possible, the murderer of Zixiaoge is hidden in the Ningguo government?"

Mo Chuan lighted up and patted the big tree around him, saying, "Yes, how come I didn't expect this, where is the safest place in Kyoto? Naturally it is Ningguo government! As long as he is hiding in Ningguo government, Mansion, who can find his whereabouts? Well, I will immediately send someone to notify the chase and let him search for Xiaoru ’s whereabouts in the Ningguo Mansion! "

He issued a secret signal, called in the dark guard, and whispered a few words, then the dark guard immediately ordered to leave.

Shen Ning let out a breath.

What happened yesterday one after another, especially because of Xiao Ru ’s disappearance, made her careless, unable to calm down and think.

After a full sleep today, she felt that her mind became flexible and her thinking became clearer.

Although Mo Chuan is clever, he is a man after all, and he is concerned about national affairs, not like a woman.

"Ning'er, do you have to attend the dinner on the Dragon Boat Festival?" Mo Chuan asked again, and he couldn't let it down.

He can stop anyone from hurting her, but the only person he can't stop is Queen Mother Zhou.

Empress Zhou gave birth to him and nurtured him, devoted his life to his body, and spent all his energy to support and cultivate him. He violated the meaning of his mother and insisted that she should be Shen Ningwei, and she had deeply injured her mother. If your heart is against the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law again, it will be greatly unfilial!

Shen Ning looked at him brightly, his expression firm.


"Okay." Mo Chuan sighed in his heart, but stretched his arms to take her into his arms.

He is the courage to love her gritty, difficult to meet the difficulties.

Shen Ning felt his embrace and warmth, and his heart was also warm.

She knew that he would always stand on his side and support himself.

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