Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1307: Special gift

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I don't know how long it passed, Mo Chuan finally let her go, eyes staring at her faintly, tenderness and sweetness surging in her eyes, under such moonlight, he was staring at him with affectionate eyes, she felt herself The heart will melt.

In his warm and solid arms, she felt so collapsed, as if the sky had fallen and he was on top, she didn't need to think about anything or worry.

Mo Chuan's eyes fell on her lips again. The feeling of entangled lips and teeth just now was so beautiful that he never kissed again.

She hurriedly covered his mouth and shook her head: "Don't, you listen to me to finish talking first."

Just before she could say what she wanted to say, she was interrupted by him. She looked up at the moon and climbed to the sky. If she didn't say it again, it would be too late.

"Do not say what I do not want to hear." He threatened.

She wanted to laugh again, and sometimes his sudden childishness always made her laugh.

"Mochuan, I have something serious to tell you." She closed her smile and looked at him in earnest.

"Regular business? What is the business?"

She tipped her tiptoes, leaned her lips to Mo Chuan's ear, and whispered a few words.

"No, absolutely not!"

Mo Chuan was interrupted without hesitation before he finished.

"Ning'er, do you know how dangerous you are now? You were stared at by the killer at Zixiaoge, and they never failed to shoot! The last time the killer didn't touch you, he deliberately let you go, he killed After killing the people in your palace, the purpose is to kill Lili, and give you a warning. Next, his goal is you! At this critical time, you actually let me remove half of the dark guards in the palace. You are Do you intentionally give the killer a chance? "

Shen Ning smiled slightly and said, "You are right, I just want to give him a chance, because I prepared a special gift for him. If he doesn't come, wouldn't I make this gift in vain?"

Mo Chuan immediately understood what she meant, and was shocked and happy: "It turns out that you were busy all night yesterday. What did you prepare for the killer?"

"Otherwise, who do you think I did?" Shen Ning couldn't help but give him a glance.

Mo Chuan said with a smile: "I understand, well, I will immediately transfer half of the Dark Guard, and I still haven't finished the government affairs tonight, I will review the tour in the Royal Study, then, are you satisfied? "

"Satisfied, very satisfied."

Shen Ning and Mo Chuan looked at each other and smiled.

"I believe that this news will soon spread out, we will open the net quietly, waiting for the big fish to catch the net." She smiled firmly.

"Why are you so sure that the man will show up tonight?" Mo Chuan stared at her.

Shen Ning smiled and didn't answer. He asked: "Mochuan, today Guanju Palace has a lot of new palace people. Have you chosen these palace people yourself?"

Mo Chuan shook his head and said, "No, today the DPRK-China affairs are extremely busy. I can't get out of it. I asked the fourth to choose. Why, are you dissatisfied with these people? Are they unsuitable for their hands and feet? "

"Neither, but I believe that some of these people must be bought by the leader of Zhaorong County. For such a thing as changing the palace in my palace, how can the leader of Zhaorong County miss such a good time?"

Mo Chuan's eyes suddenly became cold and abnormal: "You found Zhaorong's spies in the palace? Tell me, which one?"

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