Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1310: Alive is more useful than dead

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The leader of Zhaorong County came excitedly, but touched the gray of his nose, and his heart was depressed.

After she left angrily, the red-clothed boy brightened his eyes and said to himself.

"This stupid girl wants her son to do things for her, and she thinks it is beautiful, but her news is very rare. Tonight the moon is high, and the son just went to the palace to visit the empress queen, and by the way Xiaoru girl ’s head was sent over, and it was right next to her pillow, so she could see it as soon as she opened her eyes. Hey, she must be very funny! "

A flash of playful light flashed in his eyes, and then he glanced at Ru Xiao, who was unconscious on the ground, and snorted disdainfully.

If it were not for her master, she would have been turned into a pool of blood by him.

But it is still useful to keep her now, this girl is far more useful to live than to die.

The red man took advantage of the night and entered the palace again.

The Lord Zhaorong had drawn a very detailed drawing of the layout and path of the entire royal palace for him, so the last time he entered the royal palace as if there were no one, he easily came to Guanju Palace without disturbing the palace. guard.

This time he sneaked into the palace, he was familiar with the road, specializing in picking up the road patrolled by the guards in the palace, and approaching the Guanju Palace quietly.

Before he came to Guanju Palace, he noticed that there were hidden dark guards nearby. There were about a dozen or so people, with a slight sneer in his heart.

Based on these dark guards, Xiu wanted to stop him, and he could solve these people without any sound.

In the entire palace, he was really afraid of only one person, the emperor named Chu Mochuan.

That is a master in a master.

The top dark guard next to the emperor is called Chasing the Wind. On Kung Fu and he are half a catty, the technique of tracing can be considered very good, but compared with him, it is like a wood without any knowledge, not at all his opponent .

With a little thought, he was able to play with the wind in applause.

Chasing the wind is also one of his goals.

Last time he was clearly able to get started, and he hadn't started asking for chasing Feng's life. It wasn't that he was merciful, but that he had chased Feng to die, wasn't it too cheap for him?

He wanted to torture one by one the list of enemies on his goal, to make them live like **** in life, full of fear every moment.

This is interesting!

Wearing a black hood, the red man wrapped himself from head to toe and quietly dived to the side of a dark guard.

The Dark Guard didn't notice his whereabouts. He waited until the young man in red was near, and his heart suddenly felt alert. Just about to start, he suddenly felt that there was a numbness on the Dazhui point, which had been hit by a heavy method. .

The young man in the red suits his way, and all the dark guards guarding the Guanju Palace are controlled.

He was lurking in the dark again, listening quietly, and found that there was no Chu Mochuan nearby, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

The emperor of the rice bucket looks smart, but he is actually a fool!

He too believes in the skills of his dark guards, but he does not know that although these dark guards are not weak in martial arts, the ability to lurk assassinations is like a three-year-old doll compared to the people from Zixiaoge. , Vulnerable!

Even with her eyes closed, the red man knows where these dark guards are invisible, and what method of invisibility is used.

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