Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan shivered shiveringly, and dared not think about it anymore.

He regretted it very, very suddenly, why did he agree to her request? Why did he evacuate the half-guard? Why didn't he stay by her side?

If she were ...


When he was sore, regretful, startled and scared, he heard a sound that was better than the most beautiful music in the world. That was her voice, she was still alive!

Then he saw her.

At dawn, she stood in front of the palace gate. She was bathed in the mist of the early morning and smiled at him like a fairy in a veil, stepping into the world.

He rubbed his eyes and could hardly believe it.

She smiled and walked towards him step by step until she was in front of him.

"Ning'er, are you okay? Where have you been? I came back to see you were not in the palace, and I ... I thought you had an accident!" He held her hand hard, her palm soft and warm, with Her unique fragrance.

"I have nothing to do, but just caught the assassin last night and made a lot of noise, which caused the queen mother to fail to sleep. I just went to Shoukang Palace and asked the queen mother to sin." She smiled and groaned. Said.

Wen Yan, Mo Chuan's heart finally fell.

"Is she okay with my mother?"

"It's okay, but I was a little scared. I went to the Queen Mother to blame her. The Queen Mother was very upset and drove me out without saying a word." She said her tongue and she smiled and didn't take it seriously.

"Ning'er, your mother has always suffered from insomnia. If you don't sleep well, your temper will naturally get bigger. You don't want to be angry after your mother." Mo Chuan apologized in his heart.

He knew that after Empress Zhou had returned to Beijing after playing the master of Zhaorong County, he had other thoughts in his mind, so he always looked at Shen Ning and was not happy.

"I'm not angry. This was originally because I was wrong. I waked up the empress dowager, so I went to blame early in the morning. Well, when I asked my master to ask, see if there are any good prescriptions that can make After the queen mother took the clothes, she fell asleep until dawn and did not damage her body. My master's medical skills are so clever, he must have a way. "

Mo Chuan smiled and squeezed the tip of her nose indulgently: "You are so filial to your mother, I will tell her old man."

"I still don't want it. Now the empress dowager doesn't like to see me. If I knew that the medicine was asked by my master, maybe I would just throw out the medicine package and not eat it. Wouldn't it be a waste of my thoughts? "

"Okay, then don't tell the mother-in-law, it's just too wrong for you."

Shen Ning smiled and shook his head: "How about Xiaoru? Mochuan, have you found Xiaoru?"

She looked behind Mo Chuan and found that there was no one left, and she couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on her face.

"I didn't find it, did I? That **** mother-in-law, he said that Xiaoru was in the Ningguo Mansion, would he dare to lie to me!" She stomped angrily, "I'll find him to settle the bill!"

"Niang Cannon, what Niang Cannon?" Mo Chuan was confused.

Before Shen Ning could answer it, she heard a cry of joy.


She turned back suddenly, and saw that Xiaoru appeared in front of the door, her small round face flushed with excitement, her big eyes were full of tears, and the wind was standing behind her silently.

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