Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1334: Just as bad

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Shen Ning believes that Gu Qingze must have a way to solve this problem that caused her a headache.

She didn't worry about the killer of Zixiaoge coming to retaliate against her, but a heart chasing the wind was still hanging, he did not dare to ask her, and called many secret guards to protect in the dark.

All the trees and soldiers along the way, until the two entered the mansion of Zhang Taiyi peacefully, nothing unusual happened.

"Master, what about Shaobai?"

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Gu Qingze sitting in front of Chu Shaobai's bed with a look of meditation, even when she entered.

Gu Qingze thoughtfully retracted his fingers from Chu Shaobai's wrist, turned his head to look at her, and did not get angry.

Gee, listening to this tone seems to be in a bad mood.

Shen Ning threw out his tongue and grinned: "When you see the master, your old man is full of energy and radiant, so good."

"Humph, flattery!" Gu Qingze rolled her eyes at her, but there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Master, why hasn't Shaobai been awake? It's been several days since he slept. Has his condition changed?"

Shen Ning walked to the bed and looked at Chu Shaobai, who was still awake and still awake, with deep worry on his face.

"Do you doubt my master's medical skills?" Gu Qingze glared at her: "He said to the teacher, he is fine now, as long as he wakes up, his illness will be fine, although he has been He is sleeping, but his body is getting better day by day. How can you not follow such obvious things as the medical techniques taught by the teacher? "

Her face was slightly red, and of course she could see that although Chu Shaobai was sleeping, his face was rosy and shiny every day, and the speed of improvement was very fast. It is conceivable that Gu Qingze used this for him It took a lot of good medicine and spent countless thoughts.

But care is chaotic, seeing Chu Shaobai never wake up, she will inevitably think of bad things.

"Master, the weapon you made for me is really easy to use. Yesterday I caught an assassin with it." She took out the wooden gun and shifted the subject.

Gu Qingze snorted and proudly said, "Is anything I made of Qingqingze not easy to use?"

Shen Ning spit out his smile again, and said with a smile: "The master's skill is naturally the first in the world, but ..."

"Just what?"

"Although this weapon is easy to use, it is just as bad." She deliberately sold a pass.

"Which is not good?" Gu Qingze really fell in love with her and took the wooden gun from her hand: "You said, I will change it immediately."

"It's just that the bullet is not good and the sound is too loud, like thunder. Master, do you have any good ways to develop a kind of no sound and powerful pop-up?" Shen Ning looked at it with a chin on his chin. Ancient Qingze.

Gu Qingze pondered: "Bullet? You mean the round little thing in this tube?"

He took apart the wooden gun three times, five times, and two, and he was extremely skilled.

"Yes, this round shape is called a bullet. It is usually placed in a magazine and will be fired from the muzzle when the trigger is pulled."

"It turns out this way." Gu Qingze nodded.

He made this pistol according to Shen Ning's design drawings, but he never tried how to use this thing.

"This thing is called a bullet. Its main components are saltpeter and sulfur?" He picked up a thunderbolt bullet and sent it to his nose to sniff it gently, and then revealed its ingredients.

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