Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1337: Snow silk clothing

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"Master, this ... the clothes are the treasure of the world?" Shen Ning's eyes widened.

Gu Qingze gave her a white look and said, "Of course, it is made of cold silk woven on the snow peak in the extreme north. The knife and the gun are not damaged, and the fire and water are not invaded. You girl knows that it is troublesome. The killer of Zixiaoge dares to provoke, are you not afraid of future troubles? But you will be much safer when you put on this dress, as long as you are careful, do n’t be cut off by your head when you fall asleep. "

"The sword and the gun are not damaged, and the fire and water are not invading?" Shen Ning was shocked and happy, and the hand holding the clothes shivered slightly with excitement.

She had long known that this dress was unusual, but she didn't expect it to be such a baby everyone dreamed of!

In this era of cold weapons, with this dress, it is equivalent to an extra amulet.

"Master, your gift is too expensive. I really can't accept it. You should keep this dress for yourself. Master, you don't know how to do martial arts. What if you are in danger?" She likes this one. Snow silk clothing, or send it back to Gu Qingze.

"Are you a teacher of the same kind of wine bag as you? I do n’t know how to martial arts. What if I want to learn martial arts, I ’ve already become the world ’s first master. Except that killing is killing, hum! I do n’t know how to do martial arts, but I can still cure you. I believe it or not? "

Gu Qingze's face was proud, his right hand was pressed against the armrest, and his eyes were glaring at Shen Ning.

Shen Ning thought of the organ on his chair and nodded quickly: "I believe, I certainly believe, Master, it turns out that you don't learn martial arts because you don't want to kill people?"

She paid tribute to Gu Qingze in her heart.

"What the teacher learns is medicine, what medicine emphasizes is the treatment of patients, and martial arts emphasizes killing, killing, and recruiting human lives. If you learn martial arts, wouldn't it be contrary to my medicine?" Road.

"But master, learning martial arts does not necessarily take human life, killing, killing, killing? It can also punish evil and promote goodness, martial arts, and killing, not killing people. , Even if he learns martial arts, he will not kill innocents indiscriminately. If the human heart is evil, even if he does not martial arts, he will do evil. Like Mo Chuan, his martial arts are very good, but I have never seen him kill indiscriminately. After a person, master, is that the truth? "

"It's a fart!"

Gu Qingze thought she said something, but when she heard Mo Chuan as an example, she did n’t get angry and said angrily: "In the future, I will mention the guy ’s name in front of the teacher, if you think He is good, what do you come to find me! Yeah, his martial arts are good, he can protect you, you never look down on the broken clothes I gave you, you are not rare, I will give it to those who are rare go with!"

He grabbed the snow silk jacket from Shen Ning's hand and stuffed it back into the chair like a broken rag. He didn't treat it as rare at all. At the same time, he turned the chair and turned his back to Shen Ning, obviously angry Not light, not even looking at her again.

Shen Ning didn't expect Gu Qingze to have such a big temper, thinking about what he had just said correctly, just inadvertently praised Mochuan.

She threw out her tongue, remembering that Gu Qingze would be upset every time she heard Mochuan mentioned.

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