Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1341: It turned out that this idea

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"If the eldest lady likes it, I will embroider a few more for you. What pattern do you like? I will embroider it immediately!" Xiao Ru smiled immediately.

"Okay, I like orchids, plum blossoms, and the pattern of dragonflies standing on the tip of the lotus." Shen Ning smirked.

"Slave slave will go to embroider here." Xiao Ru ran back to the room with a smile.

Shen Ning smiled and watched her leave, but she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the girl was simple in mind and coaxed by herself.

Back in the room, after a while, the chasing wind brought news of Mochuan.

It turned out that Empress Zhou was in a hug, so staying in Mochuan to serve in Shoukang Palace, Primary 4 also stayed in Shoukang Palace.

After hearing this, Shen Ning frowned.

She remembers visiting the Empress Zhou in the morning. Although the Empress Zhou was mentally ill due to lack of sleep, when she drove her out of the palace, she was full of breath and could not see the slightest illness.

But the Queen Mother is sick, why can't she visit?

She stood up and walked away, and said, "Chasing the wind, and ordering people to prepare a sedan chair, I'm going to visit the empress dowager."

Chasing the wind slightly hesitated and said: "The queen mother ordered no one to go to disturb her to recuperate, the queen mother should not go as well."

"Oh?" Shen Ning stopped and looked back: "What did the emperor say?"

"The emperor asked his subordinates to come back and report to the mother. He will stay in the Shoukang Palace tonight to serve the mother-in-law and let the mother rest early. Also, the emperor has been covered with secret guards outside and outside the palace. Worry-free. "

Shen Ning murmured silently, but only felt that Queen Mother Zhou's illness was awkward. If she was really sick, why didn't she call a doctor, instead she asked Mo Chuan to stay and serve?

This is obviously to find an excuse to keep Mochuan in Shoukang Palace and separate himself from Mochuan.

But why did she do this? What is the purpose?

Seeing that Chasing Wind was about to retreat, she suddenly remembered something and stopped him.

"In addition to the emperor, who stays in the Shoukang Palace to treat illness?"

Chasing the wind happily: "The subordinate ... the subordinate does not know."

Shen Ning has guessed: "There is also Zhaorong County Lord, isn't it?"

Chasing the wind did not answer, just lowered his head and dared not look into Shen Ning's eyes.

She sneered slightly, it turned out that Empress Zhou was playing this idea!

It is really hard work to give Mochuan and Zhaorong the time and opportunity to get along with the sickness.

Mochuan's mother was extremely filial, even though she knew that Empress Zhou might be pretending to be sick, she had to stay and serve.

"I know, go ahead." She waved her hand.

Chasing the wind was relieved, and left like an amnesty.

"Wait a minute!"

"What else can the Queen Mother tell?" Zhuifeng's breath could not help but suffocated and turned back.

Shen Ning's face was very calm, not looking angry or angry. Her eyes fell on Chaufeng's face, and he looked up and down.

The inquiring eyes looked chasing the wind up and down, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

But he remained calm and said nothing.

Shen Ning took out the small Ruxiu purse, originally wanted him to accept it, but seeing his blank expression, changed his mind again.

This purse is Xiao Ru's gratitude to him. Since this wood doesn't appreciate it, why waste Xiao Ru's heart?

"It's all right, you go out," she said lightly.

Chasing the wind immediately disappeared.

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