Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1343: Mochuan's heart

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Shen Ning said with a smile: "But you hate Zhaorong County Master very much, and when you see her, she gets angry! How can I have the heart to make my Xiaoru unhappy?"

"The slave-servant then closed her eyes and didn't look at her. The slave-servant's eyes only looked at you, Miss, and you wouldn't be angry. Missy, the slave-servant decided to follow you!" Xiao Ruding said authentically.

"Okay, then you go to the palace banquet with me. Now, you close your eyes and sleep well." Shen Ning smiled.

Xiao Ruoran closed her eyes.

As long as she is beside Shen Ning, she feels surprisingly at ease, even if the sky falls down, she is not afraid.

After a while, he breathed well and went to sleep.

Shen Ning opened his eyes and looked at the pattern on the top of the tent.

Outside the window, the wild cat's cry was worse than a cry, but she was deaf, and she was just thinking.

What is Mo Chuan doing at this hour? What is Lord Zhaorong doing?

However, Mo Chuan will never do anything that apologizes for her, he is decent!

The corners of her lips tickled slightly, and she laughed that she was thinking like Xiaoru, and closed her eyes.

Early the next morning, Xiaoru got up and prepared toiletries, serving Shen Ning to freshen up.

"Miss, which dress are you wearing at the palace banquet today? You must choose the most beautiful and brightest set, and the lord of Zhaorong is angry!"

Xiaoru opened a suitcase and chose a dress for Shen Ning to feast on.

Shen Ning said indifferently: "Today she is the protagonist, and she must be more beautifully dressed than the peacock. Why should I go to grab her limelight and choose a plain suit."

"Plain? Isn't it good? Yeah, this skirt is so beautiful. If you put on this dress, like a fairy, it would look better than a fairy!"

Xiaoru suddenly found a brand-new dress in the suitcase, and couldn't help but exclaim in praise.

Shen Ning squinted away, and saw that the dress was light in color, and the exquisite clothing was like the moonlight. The elegance of the dress was noble, and the elegance was elegant.

"Hey, where did this dress come from?" She saw this exquisite dress for the first time, as beautiful as a weaver's dress.

"It must have been given to you by the emperor. This dress is on the top of this suitcase. The slave-servant saw it at a glance! Miss, will you wear this set today?" Xiaoru Looking at Shen Ning brightly.

Shen Ning's heart moved, and suddenly remembered what Mo Chuan said.

He said that the gifts he gave were never uncommon. At that time, he was still wondering, didn't he see the gifts he gave?

Later, she realized that everything in this room was selected by Mo Chuan for her.

As large as the bed screen, as small as a hairpin, everything contains Mo Chuan's full of affection.

This dress is placed in the most conspicuous place in the suitcase, which must be prepared by Mo Chuan for her in advance.

He knew that she didn't like bright and strong colors, and this month's flower-like dress was exactly what she wanted.

"Okay, just wear this suit."

Shen Ning smiled and nodded.

How can Mo Chuan live up to Mo Chuan's intentions?

When she stopped, and slowly turned around, Xiao Ruxin standing behind her couldn't help but uttered a low exclaimed voice full of praise and incredible.

"Miss, you are so beautiful! The slave-servant has never seen you so beautiful!"

"Really?" Shen Ning looked back and smiled, looking at himself in the mirror.

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