Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1353: Style of the First Divine Doctor

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Ning Guogong stepped forward in two steps, no longer just the arrogant look of the princes, shouting at five and drinking six, but smiling all over the face, laughing like a flower, so that the ministers thought they were looking at their eyes. , Could not help rubbing and rubbing again.

"Ancient God Doctor, you can come to visit us. Your country is really honored. You haven't greeted you earlier. I hope the Ancient Doctor will not be surprised."

His remarks were humble and respectful, and his flattery was beyond words.

The courtiers widened their eyes in amazement, and looked at Gu Qingze in an instant, but no one knew who the young man sitting in the chair was, which could allow Ning Guo, who was unattended, to use this kind of dignity. Talk to him in an expensive tone.

They believed that even if the emperor came, Ning Guogong would never behave so humble.

Is this young man bigger than His Majesty the Emperor?

"Ning Guogong personally invited and posted, and with such a big face, why wouldn't Qingze come? Ning Guogong doesn't have to be polite." Gu Qingze said lightly.

It is said that Ning Guogong couldn't hold his mouth shut.

He personally stepped forward, pushed the wheelchair for Gu Qingze, walked into the hall, and said aloud to the palace ministers:

"My colleagues, today my country's grand introduction to you, this is the world's first **** doctor, ancient Qingze ancient **** doctor!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a burst of astonishment in the hall, and the court officials all stood up uncontrollably.

The name of the No. 1 Divine Physician in the world is too loud, and none of them do not know.

But no one could have imagined that Ning Guogong had such a big face. He was able to invite this first medical doctor to the palace to attend the birthday banquet of Zhaorong County Lord. This is an incredible honor and face!

No wonder Ning Guogong, who was unattended, was very cautious in front of this young man, pleasing humility, and even they were all tickling. He wished he could come forward to please the First Divine Doctor.

But seeing Ning Guogong firmly holding Gu Qingze's chair back, a look of the world looked around, everyone understood that this Ning Guogong clearly took this first magical doctor's wonder, how could he allow himself to come close?

"The famous name of the ancient magician! Seeing today, it really deserves its name!"

"It is really a blessing for three lifetimes to see the golden face of the ancient magician!"

"I heard that ancient medical doctors are like gods, but they are like gods!"

"Ning Guogong's face is still big. He actually invited the First Divine Doctor. It's amazing, amazing!"

The courtiers stepped forward and surrounded Gu Qingze in the middle.

Gu Qingze was expressionless, as if he had never heard the flattering words of everyone, his eyes closed slightly, and he ignored them.

Ning Guogong smiled and said: "Ancient Shen doctor can come to attend the banquet of the young girl, and the father of the country is also an unexpected joy. Please give it up and let the ancient Shen doctor take a break and drink a few glasses of water and wine first."

The more Gu Qingze ignored the courtiers, the more happy he was in his heart.

He knows that Gu Qingze has a strange temper, and has always scorned people and things he doesn't want to see. His presence here today is enough to show his importance to himself.

As for those guys who can only slap their ass, they can see Gu Qingze. They have already blessed themselves. But if they want to get acquainted with the Divine Doctor, they do n’t sprinkle urine and take photos. They are also worthy! Is that qualified!

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