Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1359: You are a fart!

Biquge www.readwn.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

This Xia Rao is Ning Guogong ’s effort to support Qi, and he ca n’t hold back his anger. He said: He ’s a good prince, and you ’re just a Caomin. I honestly accepted it. You really ca n’t make it if you are a soft persimmon.

If in case Zhao Rong was right, you are a river and lake liar, wouldn't it be annoying that your country's father whispered to you like this!

He straightened his waist, and the tone of his speech had already brought a bit of pride and unkindness: "Ancient Divine Doctor, although the young girl is young, but she speaks straight, she says whatever she has in mind. When a magical medical technique was exposed in the public, the little girl's mouth could be blocked to let her know what a frog at the bottom of the well was and what made her look good! "

Even Shen Ning secretly admired his speaking skills, deservingly the father of Zhaorong County Lord, it turned out to be a cunning old fox.

Everyone in the hall looked at Gu Qingze together, waiting to see how he answered.

If he doesn't show his hand again, he can be 100% sure that he is a liar.

Even the empress dowager showed interest, looking at Gu Qingze.

It is really the name of the world's first magician is too big, and Gu Qingze's age is too young, which caused everyone to question.

Among all the people present, only Mo Chuan, Shen Ning, and Xiao Ru were convinced by his sincere witness to Gu Qingze's magical medicine.

Like this questioning question, Gu Qingze did not know how many times he had heard it in the past ten years.

If it is changed to usual, he will absolutely ignore it. Since you question me, then you do n’t want to see me to see a doctor, want me to show it? You are a fart!

He has long patted his **** and left.

But today, he slowly put down the cup, raised his eyelids, and looked at Ning Guogong lazily.

"Master Duke, did you let Cao Min show his first hand medical skills?"

"The ancient magician showed his hand and opened the eyes to the little girl's family." Ning Guogong smiled.

"Okay, in this case, Caomin showed his hand." Gu Qingze nodded.

Shen Ning knew that Gu Qingze had a strange temper, and he would turn away from him if he didn't agree.

Yesterday I just mentioned Mo Chuan. Gu Qingze lost his temper and drove himself out indiscriminately. When I came to the palace today, I didn't even look at myself, as if I didn't even know it at all.

At this time, he saw with his own eyes that Ning Guogong's questioning actually agreed without hesitation, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Okay, to be able to witness the ancient magician's medical skills with my own eyes, my country's public opinion will definitely open the eyes of all the princes here." Ning Guogong said with a smile, his eyes glanced at the leader of Zhaorong County, making a wink for her Hold your breath.

Gu Qingze was noncommittal. He sat in his chair and glanced at the palace ministers. He pointed at one of the officials at random and said, "Come here."

The official pointed to the tip of his nose and could not put a channel on his face: "Me?"

"Yes, it's you."

The official glanced at Ning Guogong, and Ning Guogong nodded slightly before the official stepped forward.

"Ancient God Doctor, I don't know what happened to call this official?"

"Of course for you!" Gu Qingze looked impatient.

The official shook his head again and again: "The official is in good health and has never been ill. If the doctor wants to see the disease for others, he is looking for the wrong person."

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