Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1367: Magical skill

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Su Jin stepped forward to take it, opened the lid, took out a thick medical history, and gave it to Empress Zhou.

Empress Zhou flipped through a few pages and saw that the symptoms she had suffered in the past years were vivid.

From the date of illness, the type of medicine taken, the method of torment, and the effect after taking the medicine, all are clearly recorded in small letters in small ropes, which shows that the people in the hospital are very careful about their physical conditions.

She closed the medical history and felt a moment of emotion in her heart. She said to Gu Qingze: "Mr. Gu, the medical history of Ai's family is here. If you see what is wrong with Ai's family, just say it."

The hall suddenly became quiet, and the ministers' eyes looked at Gu Qingze involuntarily, and various expressions of doubt, unbelief, contempt, etc. appeared on their faces.

Just now the ancient doctor of the surname was blowing a lot of cowhide, now the queen mother came to the doctor and the history of medicine. See how he can quibble for himself and get through the customs. To know the eyes of the queen mother, but never rub it. In the sand.

Shen Ning was confident, she looked at Gu Qingze with a smile, and turned her eyes away without trace.

She knew Gu Qingze so well that he never did anything that he was not sure about. Since he dared to boast Haikou in public, he must have seen something.

Gu Qingze cleared his throat and opened his mouth slowly: "Queen Mother, you had a flower poison not long ago. Because of this flower poison, you can't sleep peacefully and suffer from insomnia. This symptom It lasted for about a year. Later, it may be that you took the water made from this root beard. The poison in the body is resolved, but insomnia will still happen occasionally. I do n’t know if Caomin is right? "

Hearing the words, Su Jin's face changed drastically and shouted, "Huh! You ... how do you know?"

As soon as she had spoken, she knew that she was speechless, and hurriedly closed her mouth, her head lowered in anxiety, but she was still surprised.

The Queen Mother Zhou had irony in her eyes, picked up the tea cup, and pulled the tea leaf floating on the surface one at a time. After listening to Gu Qingze, her hand holding the tea cup could not help shaking.

But then she sneered slightly, glanced at Shen Ning intentionally or unintentionally, and thought: she had been poisoned by flowers, only Liao and Liao people knew that Shen Ning was one of them, it must be her I told my situation to the surnamed Gu, so the surnamed Gu would speak a little good.

Shen Ning knows that the events of the Empress Zhou are related to the privacy of the royal family, and must not be disclosed, so she never told anyone, nor did she mention a word to Gu Qingze.

Gu Qingze was able to say so accurately, all because he watched the face of the Empress Dowager Zhou and learned that this kind of medical technique, even she had to deeply admire.

But everyone in the hall didn't know what to do. After listening to Gu Qingze's words, Su Jin's voice was exclaimed and his face was shocked.

Is it true that the hairless boy said that he was in the condition of the empress dowager?

How did the empress dowager get poisoned by flowers? Why do they know nothing?

Especially the two doctors were confused. The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Nonsense, the empress dowager has been poisoned by flowers for a while! It's a nonsense!"

Empress Zhou concealed the matter and kept it secret, even Zhang Taiyi did not know it, let alone other Taiji.

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