Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Gu Qingze thought without hesitation: "What's the problem? You don't need to take your pulse at all. Your queen mother has blue eyes, white lips, white forehead, and hot hair, but she feels cold all over, and still feels pain in her belly."

This time, the shock in Empress Zhou's eyes could no longer be concealed. She put down the tea cup in her hand and nodded again: "You are right."

Shen Ning couldn't help but glance at Mo Chuan, thinking that she had blamed Empress Zhou. It seemed that Empress Zhou was really sick yesterday. It was not a deliberate excuse to leave Mo Chuan and give Mo Chuan and Zhao Rong the opportunity to get along. .

Mo Chuan's thoughts were exactly the same as Shen Ning's. He thought that Empress Zhou was leaving herself because of illness and summoned Zhao Rong into the palace to match himself with Zhao Rong.

Although he dutifully served the Empress Zhou all night, he didn't say much to Zhao Rong.

After Empress Zhou fell asleep, Zhao Rong took the opportunity to speak to him, and he still ignored it.

At this time, I heard Gu Qingze's words, apologized in my heart, looked at Empress Zhou, and whispered: "Queen Mother!"

Empress Zhou understood what he meant and patted his hand, but didn't say much.

"Ancient Divine Doctor, what kind of illness is the Empress Dowager? Since you can see it, there must be a cure for my mother, isn't it?"

Mo Chuan was extremely guilty and turned to Gu Qingze, expressing sincere sincerity.

This is the first time he put down his pride in front of Gu Qingze.

Gu Qingze didn't look at Mo Chuan as if he hadn't heard him.

He thought about it for a while and said, "The Queen Mother, if you don't mind, Caomin wants to use acupuncture."

"Of course, I don't mind." Empress Zhou nodded without hesitation.

After a night of sleep, her illness not only did not get better, but worsened. Now she always feels chest tightness and colic in her belly.

It was only because today was Zhaorong ’s birthday feast that she came to the feast with great energy, but she was unwell and her face was naturally not very beautiful. Looking in the eyes of others, she thought it was her temper tantrum that made everyone The atmosphere does not dare to come out.

Gu Qingze took out the gold needle, starting from the tip of the Queen Mother Zhou ’s index finger, slowly piercing it, and went up along the vein channel of the Shao Yin Heart Meridian of the hand, until the Jiquan Point, all with gold needles.

After applying the acupuncture again, Empress Zhou only felt warm in her stomach, and the colic was driven away without a trace, and she no longer felt cold all over, and couldn't help opening her eyes.

"How do the empress dowagers feel?" Gu Qingze asked.

"Comfortable, Aijia feels very comfortable, her abdomen is no longer painful, it's the frontal horn that still has a sudden pain here." She stretched her eyebrows and smiled on her face. Although her forehead was still a little painful, compared with the previous uncomfortable situation, It's great.

Gu Qingze said nothing, picked up two gold needles and pierced the left and right temples of Queen Mother Zhou, and then pinched the tail of the needle to twist it gently.

"Comfortable! Really comfortable! No more pain, no pain at all." Empress Zhou couldn't help closing her eyes and leaning on the chair.

Doctor Hu and Doctor Zeng looked at me, and I looked at you, all stunned.

The empress dowager Zhou was unwell and summoned them to the palace for diagnosis and treatment, but the two men took their pulse for a long time and did not see any symptoms. The empress dowager blasted them all out.

I do n’t know if I ’m going to take the pulse, I do n’t ask the doctor, and I ’ll do it all three times, five times, two times, it will alleviate the illness for the queen mother. It ’s incredible!

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