Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1371: All scenery is no longer

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"This recipe is very good, no problem, no problem at all." The two doctors said in unison.

Because the patient to be treated is the Queen Mother Zhou, Gu Qingze used some milder medicinal materials, so that the effect is not so fast, but long-term use can eliminate these old diseases of the Queen Mother one by one.

"Since both princes said that there was no problem, then Ai's family would take this medicine!" Empress Zhou immediately made a final decision and said, "Go and give Ai's family a medicine now."

The two doctors agreed with each other, holding the prescription as quickly as the rare treasure.

The Lord Zhaorong bit his lip, and could hardly believe the incident happened.

Not long ago, the Queen Mother was as disgusted as she was about questioning Gu Qingze. In a blink of an eye, the Queen Mother ’s attitude changed completely, and she still had to take the medicine prescribed by the country gangster?

And this is a banquet held for his birthday, but when Gu Qingze, a country boy, appeared, all the limelight, all the glory and the sight of others were all attracted to him alone!

She really wanted to complain to Empress Zhou, but after Gu Qingze applied the needle to Empress Zhou, Empress Zhou kept her eyes closed to recuperate. She did not dare to step forward to disturb her.

Soon, the two doctors returned with a bowl of freshly steamed medicine.

The leader of Zhaorong County lighted up and said immediately: "The Queen Mother, the medicine is decoction. Zhaorong wants to test the medicine for you personally."

Empress Zhou opened her eyes and smiled slightly: "You don't have to try it anymore. Aijia believes in the prescription of ancient **** doctor."

The leader of Zhaorong County did not give up: "Queen Empress, you let Zhaorong try. They all know that people know their faces but they don't know who they are. Who knows what this villager has in mind ..."

"Zhao Rong! Don't talk nonsense!"

It was not Ning Guogong who interrupted and reprimanded her, but Queen Mother Zhou.

The Lord Zhaorong was shocked and looked at Empress Zhou's stern complexion for a moment, so he dared not say anything.

"Take the medicine, Ai's family will take it now!" Empress Zhou has no doubt about Gu Qingze's medical skills, and she is convinced of his character.

Gu Qingze took the medicine bowl and handed it to Empress Zhou.

"This medicine is very bitter, but the good medicine is bitter and beneficial to the disease. The queen mother should not be afraid of suffering. It is best to drink it in one breath and it will soon be effective."

Empress Zhou nodded and said: "What kind of bitterness have you not eaten in the Ai family in recent years?

She picked up the medicine bowl and drank it in one breath without even frowning.

Su Jin quickly sent a fragrant tea for her to gargle, but also was rejected by Queen Zhou who shook her head.

For a moment, the hall was very quiet, everyone was looking at Empress Zhou, wondering what effect she would have after taking the medicine.

Su Jin's expression was very tense. She clenched her fists in both hands and sweated in the palm of her hand, fearing what would happen to Queen Zhou.

"Queen Mother, do you feel uncomfortable?" She asked softly.

Empress Zhou shook her head slowly, didn't speak, and leaned back in her chair to close her eyes.

After a while, the expression on Empress Zhou's face became more and more relaxed, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, revealing a faint smile.

After a while, she even snore gently.

No one could have imagined that the Empress Zhou, who had always been dignified and reserved, would sleep like this above the banquet in full view.

There was a deep unbelievable buzzing sound in the hall, and the group of ministers held their breaths and looked at the sleeping Queen Mother Zhou with incredible eyes.

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