Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1384: Comfortable, really comfortable

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The Lord Zhaorong did n’t even hear her father ’s words. She stretched out her long nails and scratched the skin of her body hard, leaving a trace of bright red blood on the white skin, but she did n’t feel any pain. Instead, I feel very comfortable.

"Come here, the lord has drunk too much, and he will help the lord to sober up!"

Although Ning Guogong knew that Zhao Rong was not drunk, he alluded to the deer as a horse, and made everyone think that his daughter was drunk, so as to be ashamed of her daughter's inexplicable behavior.

Two maidens rushed to support the master of Zhaorong County.

"Sister-in-law, let's go to rest in the harem."

Zhao Rong's eyes were red, his palms turned, and two slaps knocked the two maidens to the ground, and said sharply: "Go away, you group of useless minions, the master of the county is very itchy, you didn't see it ?"

After she beat the two maidens, she only felt more itchy, so she hit the pointed corner of the desk with her back, which only scared everyone.

"Comfortable, really comfortable!" The chief of Zhaorong County sighed comfortably, and began to hit the corner of the desk with all the itchy places on his body, only to make a loud noise.

All the ministers in the temple stopped their cups and chopsticks, their eyes widened, and they looked at her without blinking, the expression on their faces was astonished.

Everyone is thinking: Where is the leader of Zhaorong County who is drunk, obviously is crazy!

Ning Guogong's face was flushed, he couldn't think of Zhao Rong's madness when he broke his head, but seeing his daughter become like this, he was anxious and heartbroken and rushed to hug Zhao Rong And shouted: "Rong'er! No more nonsense!"

The Lord Zhao Rong suddenly went crazy. Not only did the ministers in the hall straighten their eyes, they couldn't figure out what was going on, even Mo Chuan and Shen Ning were incredible.

Xiaoru felt very relieved, looking at the crazy appearance of Zhaorong County Lord, holding his fist, thinking: evil is evil! Let you want to harm my young lady, now you will be retaliated!

Shen Ning's eyes flashed, a thought slipped in his mind, and he subconsciously looked at Gu Qingze.

What she thought was: Master Zhaorong became this look, wouldn't it be related to the snow silk jacket that the master gave her?

If it is as expected, then I really blamed the master!

Gu Qingze was the only person in the whole hall that had not been influenced by the master of Zhaorong County. He swept away the delicacies on the table case and drank a belly of sherbet. Hiccuping, closing his eyes and raising his mind, he turned a blind eye to the ugliness of the Lord Zhaorong.

The leader of Zhaorong County was hugged by Ning Guogong and could not scratch it. She red eyes and bit it down on Ning Guogong's arm without saying anything.

"Ah!" Ning Guogong pained, let out a cry, let go of her.

The leader of Zhaorong County made a "Hu Hu" voice like a mad mouth, grabbed the **** beside him, gasped and said, "Beating me, you beating me! Hit me with the greatest strength!"

The **** was stupid and looked at her blankly. She was Jinzhiyuye. She was a humble slave. Even if he had the courage to dare, he wouldn't dare to fight the hostess.

"Hurry up with me! If you don't, I will strangle you, and I will strangle you!"

The master of Zhaorong grabbed the eunuch's throat, his fingers tenacious, and his face was grim. The **** was so pinched that his tongue was sticking out, and he was about to die.

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