Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1404: Leading scenery

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Especially the master of Zhaorong County, her chest fell together, her stomach was exploding, because she could not dream of it, she asked for it, and the person she finally asked for was actually the most hated and disgusted fox. people!

Do n’t ask, kill her, and do n’t ask the little **** for a word!

She would rather itch to death, decay all over her skin, and never bow her head to her rival!

Ning Guogong's palace was deeper than his daughter's, and his thoughts were more complicated than his daughter's. He moved quickly and caught up.

"Queen empress, ancient magician, please stay."

"What's wrong with Grandpa Duke?" Gu Qingze looked at him coldly.

"I was a little girl just because she was so shocked, so she was incoherent. She meant that the Queen Mother could be accepted as a disciple by the ancient **** doctor. This is a blessing that no one can ask for. It is really enviable. Gong is here to congratulate the two, one can worship the Master, one can receive the apprentice, it is really gratifying! "

Ning Guogong's face was full of joy, and Geely opened his mouth. He smiled at the two of them, and the smile on his face was very sincere.

As for what he was thinking in his stomach, others would not know.

All the ministers mentioned it through Ning Guogong, and this was reflected. Now is the right time to please the empress queen and the ancient magician.

So the crowd hula-la and gathered around to express their congratulations to the two.

Only the main leader of Zhaorong County stood alone, gritting his teeth to Shen Ning, who was surrounded by stars in the middle of the moon.

Obviously he is the protagonist of today!

Such glory and such brilliance should have been their own!

But he didn't taste the protagonist's scenery at all, but lost his face, and somehow a strange disease called tinea versicolor!

The more she thought, the more angry she nearly crushed her silver teeth.

"Zhao Rong, come here, don't hurry to the queen and the ancient **** doctor He Xi?"

When Lord Zhaorong was so angry that his stomach hurt, Ning Guogong separated everyone, came over and took her hand, and took her to Shen Ning.

"He Xi? Why should I congratulate them! Daddy, how can you elbow away today, I am your daughter, today is your daughter's birthday, they don't come to congratulate their daughter, but they all take pictures of others Horse fart? Do you want to congratulate the master of the county on them? "

The master of Zhaorong threw away Ning Guogong and shouted angrily.

She used to live alone, and everyone was around her life, where could you bear such a cold reception.

Ning Guogong wished to block her mouth with something. Why didn't the girl's mind open her mind? How could this kind of offend people shout loudly?

Sure enough, many people began to show dissatisfaction with the leader of Zhaorong County, with ridicule in the corners of their eyes.

Ning Guogong stomped his feet when he hated iron, and said, "If you talk nonsense again, I will ban your feet and you will not be allowed to leave the house in one step!"

Zhaorong County called out: "Dad!"

"Follow me!" Ning Guogong grabbed her and said lowly in her ear: "Idiot, it's important to cure the disease. It will grow in the future!"

The leader of Zhaorong County was stunned for a moment, then understood, and could not help but shouted again: "Dad!"

It's just that the meaning and tone of these two dads are quite different.

Ning Guogong gave her a wink and took her into the crowd to come to Shen Ning and Gu Qingze.

This time not waiting for Ning Guogong to remind, the leader of Zhaorong County has taken the initiative to salute the two.

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