Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He was afraid that Gu Qingze the lion would open his mouth and find himself asking for a second promise, then he really had to vomit blood.

Shen Ning's eyes rolled, and she suddenly understood Gu Qingze's meaning.

He did n’t mean what he wanted, but gave him a chance to get what he wanted, because now she firmly grasped the braids of Ning Guogong and Zhaorong County Lord, as long as they wanted anything, they Never give up!

But she really didn't want anything. Gu Qingze said that he wanted to get something from them?

what! Yes, yes!

A flash of light flashed in her mind, and she suddenly remembered something.

"Since the father-in-law sees the question, this palace is also welcome. Only then did this palace see the snow silk jacket my master gave to the hostess. If the hostess was willing to cut the love, this palace wanted that. A snow silk jacket. "She said slightly with a smile.

"What? Snow silk clothes! No, absolutely not!"

The leader of Zhaorong County changed greatly, and she immediately shook her head and refused.

That snow silkworm clothing was a birthday gift from the ancient magician, and not to mention that it was a priceless city in itself, and the sword and gun were inaccessible. The most important thing was to wear it and go out, Dorawind!

As long as you tell others that this snow silk garment is a gift from the world's first magician, don't you envy those people vomiting blood? If you go back to the master, the brothers and sisters must be envious, jealous, and hateful to themselves!

"Well, since the hostess is reluctant, I have to take back this prescription. I don't dare not listen to the master's words."

Shen Ning smiled indifferently, reaching for the prescription from Gu Qingze.

Lord Zhaorong snorted, and didn't care much.

"Who knows whether the prescription is true or not, can he cure this county master's disease!" She whispered.

Shen Ning's ears are very bright, but I heard a word.

"It seems that the governor of the county still has doubts about the medical technique of the palace. In this case, the palace will talk about the origin of the disease."

Shen Ning raised his eyebrows and said slowly: "The cause of this strange disease was three years ago. At that time, you had a strange disease and almost died, right?"

Lord Zhao Rong snorted again: "This matter is known to all people in Kyoto, and you are right in what you say!"

Shen Ning smiled slightly and continued: "At that time, the county master took the elixir, and the strange disease was all right. You have never relapsed in three years. You thought that the strange disease was cured. In fact, the strange disease was cured by elixir. Suppressed in your body, the seizure does not come out, so the transformation slowly takes place, allowing you to stagnate your vitality, burn the fire for a long time, so that the heart is hyperactive, the heat is poisoned by the camp blood, the camp guard is imbalanced, and accumulated over time , It became tinea versicolor, and now it is finally out after three years. "

Her series of medical terms heard the prince of Zhaorong County and Ning Guogong stunned.

Both of them did not understand very much, but they felt that it was unpredictable, and they were very similar to the medical terms often said by the doctors in the hospitals.

All the ministers in the hall were also dumbfounded, especially those who knew a little about medical skills, all admired it.

I can't see it, the queen's mother's medicine is really good, it really is that the famous teacher is out of the high disciple, and the general has no weak soldiers!

Shen Ning ignored the surprised eyes of everyone, and continued: "The governor of the county now has a spleen-stomach discomfort, poor qi, and the body's evil wind, heat and poison cannot be discharged, and a lesion has occurred on the skin surface. the reason."

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