Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1413: Return to the original owner

Biquge www.readwn.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Master, this thing belongs to the original owner!" She said with a smile.

Gu Qingze looked down and frowned, "Snow silk clothing? What do you mean?"

"Snowworm clothing is the master's treasure. I don't want this good treasure to fall into the hands of the bad master." Shen Ning winked.

Gu Qingze snorted and looked at Shen Ning: "Why don't you plan to burn it?"

Shen Ning's face couldn't help but faintly red, and she didn't expect that her subtle careful thoughts had all been broken by Gu Qingze.

But she didn't care, she admitted frankly: "Yeah, I wanted to burn it. I was really angry when I saw that the master actually gave me the snow silk clothes to the bad master. I was so angry that I worshipped a fake master. If I do n’t give good things to Tuer, I would give it to the enemies of Tuer. But then I saw such a wonderful show, and then I realized the master ’s ingenious design, so of course I'm not angry with the master, but the apprentice can't see such a good thing being taken away by the bad lord, so I will ask for it back from the bad lord and return it to the original owner. Master, if you put it away, if The next time you send it out casually, Tu'er may not help you to come back. "

Gu Qingze glared his eyes: "What the **** is your girl hitting, when I don't know? The things sent out are like splashed water, how can it be recovered! What's more, this is what you get from The lord Zhao Rong received the reward, but I did not give it to you, and it has nothing to do with me. If you dislike it being passed through, take it and burn it! "

He threw the clothes back in Shen Ning's arms without looking at them.

Shen Ning threw out his tongue and smiled, "Master, do you tell Tu'er, did the bad master really have tinea versicolor? Hee hee, this disease is unheard of by me, wouldn't it be the master who did it on this dress What are you doing? "

Gu Qingze pulled the organ, turned the chair into a couch, and then lay down comfortably, saying lightly: "Ask for what you know!"

"All people in the world only know that the master's medical skills are strong, but I didn't expect the master to renovate the patterns and thoughts of the people. I can't match it. Master, what is painted on your clothes, why did the master of the Zhaorong County rub against the old locust The tree can relieve the itch. Did the master of the tree also do things? "Shen Ning asked the question that had been pressed against his heart for a long time.

Gu Qingze closed his eyes: "It's not a terrible thing, but it's just some itch powder. I didn't make hands and feet on the tree. The bark of the old locust tree itself has an anti-itch effect. I did n’t lie to her. "

"There will be a rash all over the body, and then fish scales will grow, and the skin will rot a little bit, is it true?"

"Of course it is fake!" Gu Qingze thought without hesitation.

Shen Ning laughed: "I didn't expect the master to deceive people's ability is the first in the world, even I almost believed what you said."

"Is your girl's ability to deceive people worse? What prescription did you give to the chief of Zhaorong County? What kind of snake slough, Coptis chinensis? It ’s really hard for her to eat these two things for a month. "

Shen Ning chuckled: "I was for the sake of the empress dowager, and I didn't write something disgusting on the prescription. Otherwise, I let her eat cow dung every day, and she had to eat it, hee hee."

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