Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1424: Be taken away

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Hearing Shen Ning's words, Primary 4's crying was louder, and his head was knocking on the hard blue brick floor.

"The slave is guilty, it is the fault of the slave, woo woo, woo woo!"

Mo Chuan grabbed the collar of Primary Four and raised it: "Shut up! Don't cry!"

Xiao Si bowed his head and didn't resist, he chuckled and said, "The emperor, the empress queen, the king of Jing'an ... he was taken away!"


Mo Chuan and Shen Ning were shocked, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"You say it again!" Mo Chuan snapped, his voice trembling a little.

"Jing An Wang, he was taken away by someone!"

Xiao Si gritted his teeth and said that the cold sweat on his forehead was still falling.

"Who was taken away by someone, you tell me clearly!"

"The minions do n’t know, the minions really do n’t know who they are. The emperor, they are all bad men. You sent the minions to take care of King Jing’an. The minions saw that he was sleeping soundly and sat next to him without disturbing him. Then, the slave suddenly fell asleep in a daze, as if just taking a nap. When the slave opened his eyes, he found that the King Jingan was missing on the bed! The slave was frightened and thought he was dreaming. I grabbed my hand and took a hard bite, look! "

Xiao Si raised his right hand, with a tooth mark clearly on the back of his hand, almost bleeding, and one can imagine how heavy his mouth was.

"Later?" Mo Chuan Shen Sheng.

"Later, the slave found out that it was n’t a dream. The King Jingan was really gone. The slave searched back and forth inside and out. His voice was dumb, and he did n’t find the King Jingan. The slave rushed out and asked him again. The people at the door, whether it was the front door or the back door, said that they did not see anyone go out. The emperor, the empress queen, and the king of Jing'an have been sleeping for a long time, and they have not woke up once, even if he really woke up by himself. , Seeing the minions standing next to him, he will definitely wake up the minions, and he will definitely not quietly walk away like this! So the minions decided that someone must have slipped in while taking advantage of the minions ’doze, without knowing it. Take Jingan Wang away. "

The little four said while crying, and after that, they cried directly.

After all, he was just a 16-year-old boy. When he encountered such a thing, in addition to panic, he burst into tears and completely lost his idea.

"Primary four, shut up!"

Mo Chuan shouted again, this time his voice had returned to calm.

"Go, immediately go to Zhang Tai Medical Mansion, Primary Four, you go to chase the wind!"

Mo Chuan calmly ordered, turning his head to look at Shen Ning: "Ning'er, you change clothes, let's go and see together."

Such a big thing as Chu Shaobai's disappearance, he knows Shen Ning too well, and she will not stay in the palace anyway to deal with her own news.

What's more, she was so clever and might find some clues that none of them could find.

Where did Shen Ning wait for him to say the second sentence? She grabbed an outer garment casually and put it on behind the screen. After she changed her clothes, the wind was heard.

His hair was disheveled, his clothes were not well worn, and his face was sleepy, but he couldn't hide the consternation of his eyes.

Obviously, he got the news that Chu Shaobai was missing in his sleep, and hurriedly came.

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