Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1438: prison Break

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Shen Ning has an unforgettable memory, but she can only remember that the attendant has always been with the messenger of the North Qi. When she was in the post, she had seen him, but she never spoke to the thin figure. Impressed by his attendant.

The only thing she remembered was that when she found out the missing drawing of the Wulian crossbow, all the faces on the scene showed a look of surprise.

The attendant also raised his head once and glanced at himself.

She remembered it!

He was not very young, but at the age of fifteen or sixteen, he had a very beautiful face and **** and white eyes, but just glanced at himself so quickly he lowered his head.

At that time, she didn't take another look at the little attendant. If it wasn't that he had seen him turn back three times, she wouldn't think of such a person at all.

"It's just a servant, you are so kind, I have seen it long ago, the people brought by the Beiqi messengers this time did not have any martial arts masters. You can rest assured that he will definitely not be an assassin killer sent by Zixiaoge. "

Mo Chuan saw that her eyes were still looking to the north, and a thoughtful look dispelled her doubts.

Shen Ning smiled slightly. Mo Chuan and her focus were different. What he cared about was the skill of the other party, but what he thought was not the case at all.

She didn't doubt that the servant was changed by the assassin killer, otherwise he couldn't escape Mo Chuan's eyes.

However, regardless of the identity of the servant, whether it was a real servant or a false servant, he left with the Beiqi messenger, and she now thinks about it, which is somewhat worrying.

"I know, let's go back to the palace."

She and Mo Chuan walked down the tower together and boarded the back of the palace.

The sedan seated by the two had just arrived in front of the palace, and suddenly heard a sudden sound of horseshoes coming from the palace gate.

Shen Ning lifted the car curtain and looked at the sound.

I saw a team of Yulinjun riding a horse and rushed out of the palace quickly. The expression on everyone's face was panicked, like what happened.

Seeing Mo Chuan and Shen Ning's car sedan, the commander of the imperial army riding in front immediately rolled his saddle and fell to his knees.

"Emperor Qi Yu, great things are not good!"

Mo Chuan was shocked and said in a deep voice: "What happened? Can the queen mother be well?"

His first reaction was that Empress Zhou had an accident. What he was most worried about was that the killer of Zixiaoge took advantage of it and hurt the Empress Zhou.

The commander of the Royal Forest Army froze for a moment, and immediately replied: "The Queen Mother is safe, yes, yes ..."

With a look of panic, he looked up at Mo Chuan and stopped talking.

Mo Chuan frowned and said, "Hurry up, what the **** happened!"

The commander of the Imperial Forest bowed his head and replied: "Emperor, King Dingyuan escaped from prison!"

"What?" Mo Chuan and Shen Ning were all taken aback, and could hardly believe their ears.

"You're talking about Chu Shaoyang's jailbreak? When did this happen?" Mo Chuan calmed down and asked.

"Just half an hour ago, the subordinate received the news and quickly rushed to Tian prison, and found that the guards of Tian prison were injured by King Dingyuan. , And sent people to search inside and outside the palace, but no trace of King Dingyuan was found, and his subordinates were so anxious that they came to return to the emperor. "

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