Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1446: Not interested in carrying this pot

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Thinking at this moment, he was shocked and terrified. What surprised him was that Chu Shaoyang's skill was so advanced that he couldn't even stop the opponent's one move and was seriously injured.

Mo Chuan nodded his head and trained Chu Shaoyang into a strong vajra palm in the prison, and wounded the guard. The matter of escaping from the prison was said briefly.

He looked dignified and said: "Chasing the wind, you go down to recuperate first, and then come to see me after recuperating. I have something important to tell you."

I do n’t want to chase after the wind: "The injury to his subordinates is no longer a problem, and the emperor has something to do with orders."

Mo Chuan shook his head disapprovingly: "Are you talking to me?"

Chasing the wind didn't dare to say anything, salute Mo Chuan, slowly backed away, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes as soon as his figure shook.

The guards saw that his injuries were much heavier than all of them, but after a while of kung fu, he seemed to be okay, and he still exerted such mysterious and unpredictable performance, and all admired him. pole.

Xiaoru couldn't help rubbing her eyes and found that the chasing wind was really gone, she pulled the sleeves of Shen Ning.

"Miss, is this really good for chasing the wind? He just suffered such a serious injury just now, how could it be possible in a blink of an eye?"

Shen Ning patted the back of her hand and smiled, "Speaking of it, he would also like to thank you for being. Fortunately, you invited my master to come and gave him a healing elixir. You also fed him personally, his The injury can be so fast. "

Xiao Ru grunted and said, "Where do I dare to let him thank me? I just want to repay his kindness. He is not rare in my purse. Now I have invited the Divine Doctor to come and save his life. He ’s gone, and since then, he and I have n’t committed well water, so I ca n’t commit to sticking his cold **** with a hot face. "

Shen Ning smiled again, and she turned to Mochuan.

"Would you like to visit the empress dowager?" She asked thoughtfully.

Such a big event happened in the palace. She believed that at this moment, the news that Chu Shaoyang escaped from prison might have reached the ears of Empress Zhou. Even if Mo Chuan did not visit, the Empress Zhou would definitely send someone to summon Mo Chuan.

As for herself, she did n’t want to be involved in the right and wrong of this time. The Queen Mother would not have waited to see her. Maybe she knew that she would hold Chu Shaoyang ’s jailbreak behind her head, but she was not interested. Carry this pot.

Mo Chuan was thinking about the matter in his heart. He heard the words and asked, "Are you going with me?"

Shen Ning shook his head and smiled, "The Queen Mother would see a lot of terror when she saw me. Do you want me to be reprimanded by the Queen Mother?"

"Your girl, is it true that your mother is indiscriminate!" Mo Chuan said so, but she agreed with Shen Ning's thoughts.

"Okay, you go back to the palace to rest first. I will come back soon after I visit my mother."

Shen Ning nodded with a smile, took Xiaoru's hand back to the palace, Mochuan went to Shoukang Palace.

Sure enough, as expected by Shen Ning, Empress Zhou had learned that Chu Shaoyang had escaped from prison and broke into the Imperial Academy to injure the guards. He was about to send someone to summon Mochuan. ask to see.

"Quick, let him in!" Said Empress Zhou immediately.

She had just woken up shortly. After taking medicine in Anqing Hall yesterday, she had never slept. After being sent back to Shoukang Palace by Mochuan, she slept soundly and didn't even make a dream all night.

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