Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1468: Ready to bite

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Only this time, the leader of Zhaorong County had no choice but to order the insider to sprinkle all the clothes with catnip. No matter which set of clothes Shen Ning wore, it would become the target of the group of cats!

Mo Chuan was furious and was about to call in, but Shen Ning shook his head: "Mo Chuan, you do n’t have to intervene in this matter, she can let her go, but it ’s just some catnip powder, I naturally have a solution, she was the first time It wo n’t hurt me, and the thief wo n’t die, so it ’s the second time. Could it hurt me this time? ”

She clapped her hands and summoned Xiaoru and asked her to send some mint leaves in.

"Catnip? Miss, the bad master wants to use catnip to hurt you again!"

As soon as Xiaoru entered the room, she smelled catnip, and when she saw the only open suitcase, her face changed color.

"Well, it's a little skill, it's not enough to hang your teeth. Go and get the mint leaves. According to the method I told you last time, sprinkle all the clothes in this suitcase with mint leaf powder."

"Yes, Miss, the bad master is so bad, it's so bad! Yesterday, she just made her look ugly, it was really cheap for her!"

Xiaoru said bitterly while going out.

Mo Chuan frowned, but couldn't understand: "Ning'er, now has physical evidence and characters, the evidence is conclusive, Zhao Rong's abuse of the queen, the guilt can't escape, why don't you let me dispose of her? Is she allowed to continue Hurt you? "

Shen Ning looked at him and said, "Evidence and material evidence? Even if we put her inside the palace and grab it, can we prove Zhaorong County Lord? Also, even if we really caught someone, we also prove Zhaorong The governor can only accuse her of sprinkling some catnip powder on my clothes. This powder is not toxic. When she comes to die, she will not recognize it, what can we do? If this matter is made trouble, the queen mother As soon as he came out with Ning Guogong, the result of this matter was still inconclusive. The master of Zhaorong County dared to be so unscrupulous because she knew that we could not grasp her handle, even if she caught the person who placed the catnip powder, she could not help! "

Mo Chuan said with resentment: "It's rare that she can't go on with such unscrupulous shame?"

"Of course not." Shen Ning smiled at the corner of his lips, a cunning look appeared in his eyes. As soon as he saw her expression, Mo Chuan knew that she had opened her teeth in her stomach again and was about to bite.

"Have you girl already thought of a way to deal with her, eh?" His anger disappeared unconsciously, and he even began to look forward to it.

"Yes, Mo Chuan, leave it to me. She doesn't offend me. I don't offend her. If she offends me, I can't let her walk around!" She smiled authentically, but the expression on her face didn't care.

Mo Chuan knew that with her cleverness, she did not bother to deal with Zhaorong County Master, and asked her nod.

Shen Ning chose a set of ordinary clothes, waited for Xiaoru to come in, used the mint powder to dispel the catnip smell on the clothes, and then put it on her body.

"Xiao Ru, I'm going to work hard for you today. Sprinkle all the clothes in this suitcase with mint powder, just don't let others know, understand?"

"The slave-maid understands that the elder lady is assured that the slave-maid will surely drive all of this smell clean, without leaving a bit." Xiao Ru nodded vigorously and agreed to come down.

"It's really my little boy."

Shen Ning smiled and patted her head, and then left Guanju Palace with Mo Chuan.

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