Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1501: Become a woman

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She threw a packet of powder on the face of the red man angrily and said angrily: "This is the good thing you gave the lord of the county, what catnip, shit! The clothes were on, and she clearly saw that she drank the catmint powder, but it was of no use at all! The master of the county also sent people to travel all over the city and caught more than one hundred wild cats near the palace. I did n’t see the shadow of the half cat, and the little **** did not have too much hair! "

The red man was stunned. He stared blankly at the pack of powder and hesitantly said, "Did you get the wrong powder, this bag is not catnip? I gave you the purity of the extract. High catnip powder, plus nepeta powder, it ’s impossible for cats to be uninterested. "

"Well, you fool the county master with a bag of fake medicine powder, and ask the county master to provide you with a place of refuge, but also want to ask my father for a promise, beautiful! Well, since you bite this medicine powder Really, then I will test it on you! "

The more she said, the more angry she was, tearing open the pack of powder, and spilled the face of the young man in red one after another.

Suddenly a faint fragrance of mint enveloped the red man in it.

The red man's face changed drastically, and he cried out: "Sister-in-law, don't, don't do it!"

This catnip powder was purified by him personally. How powerful he is, he knows better than anyone else. He smells it clearly. This pack of medicinal powder is very high-purity catnip, which is not fake at all.

The master of Zhaorong snorted and took out the bag of nepeta powder from his arms. Without a word, they all sprinkled on the young man in red.

The red man couldn't move, his face became very pale, and the light of fear appeared in his eyes.

He raised his ears, although he lost his skill, and although the chamber was deep underground, he still seemed to hear a wild cat scream outside.

The Lord Zhaorong seemed to hear it too. She shook her head and said strangely: "Hey, I seem to hear the sound of a meow, wouldn't this catnip work again? By the way, this secret room is hidden under the ground, The cat ca n’t come in. This medicine powder is not working. I ’ll take you out and try it out. "

She grabbed the chest of the red man's chest, picked it up effortlessly, and walked outside the chamber.

"Sovereign, don't, don't go out, don't go out, you will be killed!"

The face of the red man was ashamed, and he cried out: "I ... I promised you, I promised you to be a woman, I promised you, I will immediately act! The governor girl, let me down, let me down! "

The leader of Zhaorong County flattened his mouth and said: "You deceived the master of the county with fake drugs, thinking that you can dispel my heart by acting like a woman? Huh, do n’t you say that you have n’t cheated, you said this cat Is mint true? Well, you can prove it to me. If it really attracts wild cats, I will believe you! "

"Don't! This catnip is true, nepeta powder is also true, I didn't lie to you! If you believe me, if I lie to you, I ... I'll be thundered by the sky! Go out, no! "

The red man shouted in panic and panic.

"What's it called! You big man is still afraid of wildcats failing to shut up to the master of the county, it's really scratchy!"

The Lord Zhao Rong was annoyed by him and reached out to point his dumb hole so that he could not scream.

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