Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1550: Smooth stick

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Shen Ning had mentioned this matter with him yesterday, but he only passed it off as a joke. At this time, listening to her mentioned it again, he still did not care about it.

Even if no one is available in North Korea, he will never send his wife out to lead a war, let alone she will not martial arts, and she knows nothing about marching.

Shen Ning looked at him seriously and said, "Mochuan, I have no nonsense, I am very serious."

She did not talk about it casually, but considered for a long time. The reason why Chu Shaoyang treason and cast enemies was all because of her. Since this scourge is because of her, then she has the responsibility to solve it. Although she does not know how to lead troops Fighting, but she will try her best to persuade Chu Shaoyang to retreat.

She must not let Chu Shaoyang's life become charcoal because of her, let the people suffer from the war, let the wives of the soldiers be scattered, and the blood will be scattered on the field.

"Okay, you are serious, then I also tell you very seriously, this matter is absolutely impossible!" Mo Chuan also said seriously.

"Why not? You look down on me as a woman?"

"When did I look down on you because you were a woman? You are clever and witty, and you never forget that this cleverness can't even match you with ten big men. If it weren't for you, you would come forward and untie Dong Qin to I am a big problem in Xichu. Now that people ’s lives do not know how hard it is to live. Whoever does not admire you when it comes to this matter! But Ning'er, leading soldiers to fight wars is different from walking horses to observe monuments. If you want to read the art of war, you have to look at the overall situation. A little careless command will make the soldiers in nowhere. This is definitely not something that can be done just by being smart. After reading these two books, I feel more and more The mystery of the art of war is too far away. Although you memorize these two arts of war, but you do n’t know how to use it, how can I let you take the war with you? This matter ca n’t be mentioned in the future! Then, I will send someone to send you to the Valley of God's Medicine immediately! "

Mo Chuan looked serious. He knew that if she had a false pretence, she would take advantage of her soft heart and entangle her in a straight line. At that time, he didn't know if he could harden his heart and refuse her request.

Shen Ning rolled his eyes and twitched his lips, "I just talked about it casually, you take it seriously, how can I know how to lead a soldier to fight a war? But I just want to make you smile, but you are so serious, really open No joke. "

Mo Chuan finally showed a faint smile: "Are you kidding me? I think you look very serious. You just put your heart in your stomach, even if you are really fighting, as long as there is me, even if the sky falls, there will be me. Fighting, as for this battle, although there is no general in the DPRK and China, but you said well yesterday, I am a general, as long as I learned the art of war, why would I fear a Chu Shaoyang! I have never fought a war with a soldier Why did Chu Shaoyang bring soldiers? Even if there are experienced South Vietnamese generals around him to assist him, but with his just stunned personality, I will not listen to the opinions of others at all. Let us wait and see. "

He tapped on the two volumes of soldiers' books with confidence.

Shen Ning saw that he was still in a worried state yesterday, and he became energetic today, knowing that he must have glimpsed the key points of the tactics from these two war books, and he couldn't help but also smile.

The two laughed at each other. Suddenly, Mo Chuan's smile on his face narrowed, and his eyes glanced out the window.

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