Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1559: Fairy beauty

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Shen Ning walked out of Xiaoru's room and saw Xiaosi guarding at the door, looking at himself nervously, and asked, "What's the matter with Xiaoru Girl, Queen Mother?"

She smiled and shook her head: "Xiao Ru should wait for me to come back in my room. I went to see this girl. It must have been waiting for me to fall asleep. I didn't even hear her call her."

Xiao Si immediately let go of his heart and smiled on his face, followed behind Shen Ning and walked towards the bedroom.

"Ah! It's so beautiful!"

"so beautiful!"

"It's like a fairy going down!"

"I've never seen such a charming beauty!"

"Me too, even though I am a woman, I will be fascinated by her."

Before the two had reached the door of the palace, they saw a large group of eunuchs around the palace door. They probed their heads and looked inwards, and at the same time gave a surprised sound of praise.

Shen Ning couldn't help but laugh, and no wonder the palace people couldn't be found in the palace. They all ran here.

It's just what they do around the door of their bedroom. Could it be that a fairy fell from the sky and fell right in their bedroom?

"Hey, what are you guys doing here, this is the queen's dormitory!"

Seeing this, Primary Four stepped forward and shouted with a sharp voice.

After hearing the words, the palace people turned back and saw Shen Ning, who suddenly panicked and knelt to the ground.

"Meet the Queen Mother!"

"Please queen forgive me!"

Shen Ning smiled slightly and raised his hand: "Everyone get up, what are you doing around here? Is there anything hilarious and interesting in my room?"

"Returning to the Queen Mother, it's ... it's a fairy-like beauty in our palace." The courty lady said quickly.

Shen Ning and Xiao Si were both stunned.

"A fairy-like beauty?" Shen Ning's eyes showed an interesting light.

Women's instinct is to like good-looking things, even Shen Ning is no exception.

Curious in her heart, she walked towards the dormitory, and wanted to see how beautiful the fairy-like beauty was.

Xiao Si was suspicious and asked, "Where did the fairy beauty come from?"

The ladies replied: "It was sent by the empress dowager."

As soon as Primary Four heard it, his suspicions subsided, and he also became curious and followed Shen Ning.

"It's weird, what does it mean that the empress dowager kindly sent a beauty here?" He whispered.

Shen Ning walked into the dormitory and saw that the room was brightly lit and lit like a day, while the fragrance of the food greeted him.

"Miss, you are back!"

Xiaoru heard the sound of footsteps, looked up and saw Shen Ning, her small face showed a shocked and happy expression, three steps and two steps to welcome him.

Shen Ning looked into the room and saw a whole table of dishes on the Eight Immortals table. There were steamed, fried, fried, dazzling, and attractive. She only started to feel hungry when she smelled the smell. .

But apart from this big table dish, there is no fairy beauty.

The people who are not mentioned by the court ladies always refer to Xiaoru?

She glanced at Xiaoru, and saw that her round apple was blushing, her eyes glowed with excitement, and her eyes were dark and bright, but she grew a little taller, and turned into a clear and beautiful show. Slim little beauty.

"Xiao Ru, did you make these dishes? That's good. All of them are my favorite dishes. I'm just hungry." She smiled and sat down at the table.

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