Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1620: Fat duck dancing

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"This ... this ..." The shop little two looked at Liu Yuanwai embarrassedly, giggling.

"What this and that, hurry up! I don't believe that this little lady has no eyes and no big money, but she is willing to be a poor villager who cooks! You tell her that outside is willing to ..."

Liu Yuanwai's words came to an abrupt end without saying anything. He only felt that his eyelids suddenly jumped, and then his two eyelids began to jump wildly, he couldn't control it at all.

Dian Xiaoer couldn't help but took a step back and looked at him in horror: "Member Liu, what's wrong with you, your eyes ... what's wrong?"

Not only the eyelids, Liu Yuanwai felt that the muscles on his face also started shaking, and the loose skin was like shaking the sieve.

"I, I ..." He opened his mouth and found that his tongue wasn't so good, and he began to jump wildly in his mouth.

He stood up involuntarily, raised his hands, twisted his fat waist, and began to hobble around in the hall. The fat and fat look like a fat duck.

"Member Liu, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?" Dian Xiaoer's eyes widened in amazement.

Liu Yuanwai didn't seem to hear it. He looked dull, struggling to swing his fat hips, jumping while jumping, jumping and undressing. After a while, he took off only a pair of short-nose shorts and exposed his fat white belly With bare feet, she jumped across the court without shame.

The guests beside laughed coyly.

Cheers, screams, and whistle sounds endlessly.

"Jump well, jump one more!"

"Turn around, right, just like that!"

"Go roll, hurry up!"

Liu Yuanwai was really very obedient and rolled awkwardly on the ground, and the laughter of the crowd became louder.

The shopkeeper Hedian Xiaoer was stunned, wondering if this Liu Yuanwai had a madness, otherwise how could he become this kind of way!

"Quick, help Liu Yuanwai to the room, and then hurry to ask our best doctor in town to see Liu Yuanwai!"

The shopkeeper was afraid of making things big, and hurriedly urged the shop's second child.

Several shops, Xiao Er, rushed forward and helped Liu Yuan, who was happily rolling on the ground.

"Except Liu Yuan, you are tired of jumping, go back to the room and have a rest."

Liu Yuanwai was still struggling desperately, drinking indiscriminately in his mouth, but no one could clearly understand what he was screaming.

The second boys in the shop had enough energy to subdue Liu Yuanwai and sent him into the room. This farce came to an end.

However, Liu Yuanwai was pressed on the bed by several second-person shopkeepers, unable to move. He opened his eyes wide and struggled hard, his eyes almost burst out, and his eyes were even reddish. It looked like a beast that only wanted to eat people. .

"Liu Yuanwai, what's wrong with you, you? You ... wait a minute, Lang Zhong will come to see you soon!" One of the shop children said tremblingly.

Liu Yuanwai suddenly opened his mouth, made a roar, and suddenly became very powerful. He broke free from the shop's second hand, hugged a shop's second, opened his mouth, exposed a white tooth, and bit down on the shop's ear. .


The shop Xiaoer made a heartbreaking cry, and everyone hurriedly grabbed it, and finally rescued the shop Xiaoer from Liu Yuanwai's mouth, but one of his ears had been bitten bloody.

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