Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Jerk! Damn it!

The smelly girl named Shen, come back to Lao Tzu! Laozi just said casually, how do you believe your mother-in-law is true! You patted the **** and left, leaving Lao Tzu alone in this group of mountain bandits, is it too lazy to die fast enough?

Thousand-faced son scolded desperately in his stomach, but Shen Ning was indeed gone. When a person walked away, he was useless even if he scolded his throat.

"Very good, that stinky lady escaped, but left this flowery little girl in our hands, brothers, what are we polite, grab this little girl back to the cottage, and enjoy it first , And then kill her to give the flag to Sha Bo and Jia Lao Liu! "

The bandits agreed suddenly.

"Why don't we take off this little girl's clothes and tie her to the horse's back, what do the brothers think?" Someone suggested loudly.

"Good idea, good idea!"

The bandits burst into laughter and showed a lewd smile to the thousand-faced son, and countless demonic hands reached him.

Thousand-faced son has the heart to die.

"You bastards, let me go! Let me go!"

A big palm grabbed him, pinched his legs, his waist, his butt, and someone stretched his hand over his chest and caught the big bun on his chest.

"Huh, what is this, so hard!"

The mountain bandit cried strangely.

At this moment, the son of Thousand Faces suddenly banged his head hard against the steel knife. He thought he would die rather than fall into this group of bandits.

"This little girl wants to die!" The bandits exclaimed.

"Want to die? Is it so easy!" The knife bandit turned his blade, and the head of the thousand-faced son was hitting the back of the knife. The fur was not broken, and only an egg-sized swelling was hit.

The bandits laughed.

Thousand-faced son was ashamed of death, wishing he would die immediately.

Suddenly, the laughter of the mountain bandits rose abruptly, replaced by a cry of ghosts and wolves.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"it hurts!"


"It hurts me!"

The bandits who were so proud just now fell to the ground one after another, rolling around on the ground and making waves.

Thousand-faced young man only felt like he was also stabbed in dozens of poison needles, but it was painful and itchy, but he was overjoyed in his heart and yelled out:

"Auntie, you really came to my rescue!"

He also fell to the ground like bandits in the mountains, but he bit his teeth without pain and cried out, opened his eyes hard, and looked at Shen Ning who was not far away.

At this time, his heart was bright, it turned out that what Shen Ning said just now was used to confuse the mountain bandits, and all of them thought that she had escaped because of fear. In fact, she climbed from the other side of the mountain. When he came down, he went behind the mountain bandits and unexpectedly launched a hidden weapon, which made dozens of mountain bandits countless, and even he who was surrounded by the mountain bandits was not spared.

Although he was painful and itchy, he wished to scratch his skin down, but his heart seemed to be full of flowers, with a smile on his face and infinite joy.

Although Shen Ning still wears a human skin mask, the facial features look lacking, but in the eyes of a thousand-faced son, Shen Ning at this moment is surprisingly beautiful, more beautiful than he has ever seen.

Shen Ning didn't look at the mountain bandits who fell to the ground. He walked towards the thousand-faced man step by step and squatted beside him. He asked, "Qianqian, have you also been poisoned?"

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