Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1646: Woman with no breast

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So he immediately said: "Okay, I take it off myself."

The clothes on his body had already been ripped apart by the bandits. He pulled off the outer skirt with a light pull. When he was about to untie his underwear, he suddenly woke up.

wrong! Can't take it off!

Take it off again, and he will reveal the secret on his chest.

His fingers were caught on the lapel, he was slow to move, but without stripping, he couldn't find a reason, and there was cold sweat immediately on his forehead.

"Qianqian, why don't you take it off? Only you and I are here, we are both women, you don't have to be shy." Shen Ning stared at him instantaneously.

"Aunt, I ... I ..."

Thousand-faced son with red ears and red ears, Zhizhiwuwu, for a moment, where did he make a reason?

"Don't you feel powerless and can't take it off? Otherwise, how can I help you take it off?"

Shen Ning looked directly at him, and his clear eyes only saw a thousand-faced son guilty of conscience, and thought to herself: Did she find that her chest was tied with buns?

He shook his head quickly and said, "Don't dare to trouble your aunt. Ask your aunt to give me the magnet. I can just **** out the poison needle myself."

Shen Ning stood still in front of the bed, quietly and said: "Qian Qian, what is your chest? When I helped you upstairs, I accidentally touched your chest, I felt something wrong, but the girl Your chest is soft and elastic, but your chest is hard and sturdy like two big stones. You said, what the **** is going on! As of today, do you refuse to tell me the truth? "

There was a sudden jump in the heart of the thousand-faced son, and he only felt that one heart was about to jump out of his throat. He was dry and stared blankly at Shen Ning. He was speechless for a while.

How to do? What should I do!

He stomped his teeth and suddenly rolled off the bed. He knelt in front of Shen Ning and cried with a cry: "Aunt!"

Shen Ning turned sideways, avoiding him, and said coldly: "What do you want to say?"

Thousand-faced son didn't answer, he pulled his hands hard against his chest, ripped his underwear, "fluttered" twice, and two dry buns fell off him.

"This this……"

Although he had long guessed that there was another mystery in his chest, Shen Ning was stunned when he saw this scene.

"You ... why do you want to tie two big buns on your chest?" She asked rushing out.

Qianmianzi lowered his head and said in shame: "Aunt, Qianqian did not deliberately hide from you. I am really forced. If not, Qianqian doesn't know how many jokes to suffer and how many people are blinded Aunt, in fact, Qianqian was a flat chest since she was a child, and my sister was already slim when she was 13 years old. She always used my flat chest to laugh at me and despise me, saying that I only have one face that looks good. But there is no chest and no moving voice, it is not like a girl at all. She also said that men like women bulging in the chest, just like her, she said that a girl like me who only has a face and no chest is not Woman, no one would marry a girl who is not like a woman. I ... I was really angry, so I came up with this method to make my chest full. Since then, my sister no longer dares to laugh at and ridicule me. I dare to raise my head before people. I have been wearing this suit for three years. I have been used to it for three years. I really did not deliberately deceive your aunt! "

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