Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1656: Turn a blind eye

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He gritted his teeth and said indignantly: "Your emperor husband has no eyeballs, or a heart made of stone, hum! After I was dressed as a woman, Ning Guogong saw me and his eyes almost burst. When I came out, on the way to the palace, all the guards who saw me all stared at me, staring at me one by one, revealing my soul-turned look, even those eunuchs who were not men, could not help but want to I peeped a few glances, but the emperor of your emperor, he clearly saw me, but he just turned a blind eye, hum! "

Shen Ning thought for a while and said, "I remember you came to Guanju Palace and Mochuan never came back to live. When did he see you? Why didn't I know?"

The thousand-faced son hated and said: "On the night I just entered Guanju Palace, I slipped out of the room without sleeping. I knew that the emperor was here and wanted to secretly listen to your whispers, how can I know me As soon as I walked into the yard, I felt a chill. As a killer, I naturally felt that the chill came from murderousness. I knew that my whereabouts had been discovered, so I pretended to walk to the pond to appreciate the moonlight. "

"That night, I wore a long hair around my waist, dressed in a thin tulle, and walked slowly in the moonlight. This scene must be very beautiful, enough to make all the men in the world move, and I quietly Standing by the pond and waiting for the man hidden in the dark to show up, I am quite sure that as long as he is a man, he will never be indifferent when he sees me. Sure enough, I stood for a moment and saw the water Next to my reflection, a man's shadow suddenly appeared. "

Shen Ning became more and more strange, and she didn't even know about this matter. She didn't ask questions, but held her chin and listened to the thousand-faced son continue to talk.

She can see from the expression of the thousand-faced son that he is telling the truth.

"This man is wearing a black suit and his face is hidden in the night, but his body exudes an innate nobility and dignity that makes people want to surrender at first sight. I immediately knew who the man standing behind me was, and he was the target I came into this palace this time, the young emperor who was let me seduce by the master of Zhaorong County. I was so excited, so excited, no Thinking of the good opportunity on the first night I just came here, I must grasp it well! "

"The man asked," Who are you? "I didn't answer. I fell pretendingly and fell into the pond. I thought that the man would catch me. How could he know that his eyes fell on me, but in his eyes? Without cold expression, he stood on the shore with his arms folded and watched me fall into the pond. He didn't even extend a finger. "

Hearing this, Shen Ning laughed out loud, "It turns out that you deliberately fell in, what happened later?"

Thousand-faced man grinded his teeth: "Later? I struggled in the pond, drinking the cold water in the pond bit by bit, and I sank into the pond. The man stood on the shore and watched me struggling. The sound of falling water disturbed the people in the palace. A lot of people ran out to see me, so they jumped out of the pond to save me. If it were n’t for the eunuch, I ’m now a water ghost in the pool! Are you happy? Very happy? "

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